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WU Min,HUANG Chuanbing,HU Ke,DU Shangyun,DUAN Qiangjun.Simultaneous Determination of Disodium Cantharidinate and Vitamin B6 in Disodium Cantharidinate and Vitamin B6 Injection by HPLC[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2021,38(20):2560-2563.
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武敏1, 黄传兵2, 胡轲3, 杜尚云1, 段强军4
1.宿州市第一人民医院, 安徽 宿州 234000;2.安徽中医药大学第一附属医院, 合肥 230031;3.太和县食品药品检验所, 安徽 太和 236600;4.安徽中医药大学中西医结合学院, 合肥 230012
目的 建立斑蝥酸钠维生素B6注射液中斑蝥酸钠和维生素B6含量的同时测定方法。方法 采用HPLC,色谱柱为Syncronis C18(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm),流动相为0.02 mol·L-1磷酸二氢钾溶液(磷酸调pH值至2.6)-乙腈,梯度洗脱,流速为1.0 mL·min-1,检测波长为193,290 nm,波长切换法,柱温:30℃。结果 斑蝥酸钠回归方程为Y=1.926X+0.010(r=0.999 7),在0.064 6~0.322 8 mg·mL-1内斑蝥酸钠与峰面积的线性关系良好,平均回收率为98.9%,RSD为1.2%(n=9)。维生素B6回归方程为Y=24.153X+0.670(r=0.999 9),在0.535 9~2.679 7 mg·mL-1内维生素B6与峰面积的线性关系良好,平均回收率为100.2%,RSD为1.0%(n=9);仪器精密度、稳定性和重复性试验的RSD均<2.0%。结论 所建立的方法结果准确、重复性好,可用于斑蝥酸钠维生素B6注射液的质量控制。
关键词:  斑蝥酸钠维生素B6注射液  斑蝥酸钠  维生素B6  高效液相色谱法  含量测定
Simultaneous Determination of Disodium Cantharidinate and Vitamin B6 in Disodium Cantharidinate and Vitamin B6 Injection by HPLC
WU Min1, HUANG Chuanbing2, HU Ke3, DU Shangyun1, DUAN Qiangjun4
1.Suzhou First people's hospital, Suzhou 234000, China;2.The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hefei 230031, China;3.Taihe Institute for Food and Drug Control, Taihe 236600, China;4.College of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hefei 230012, China
OBJECTIVE To establish method for simultaneous determination of disodium cantharidinate and vitamin B6 in Disodium Cantharidinate and Vitamin B6 injection. METHODS HPLC was performed on a Syncronis C18 column(250 mm×4.6 mm, 5 μm) using the gradient 0.02 mol·L-1 potassium phosphate monobasic solution(adjust pH to 2.6 with H3PO4)(A)-acetonitrile(B) at the 1.0 mL·min-1 flow rate as mobile phase. The column temperature was 30℃ and the detection wavelengths were 193 nm and 290 nm(wavelength switching). RESULTS The linear regression equation of disodium cantharidinate was Y=1.926X+0.010(r=0.999 7); the linear range was 0.064 6-0.322 8 mg·mL-1 with the average recovery of 98.9% and the RSD of 1.2%(n=9). The linear regression equation of vitamin B6 was Y=24.153X+0.670(r=0.999 9); the linear range was 0.535 9-2.679 7 mg·mL-1 with the average recovery of 100.2% and the RSD of 1.0%(n=9). The RSD values for the instrument precision, stability and repeatability were all <2.0%. CONCLUSION The established HPLC method appears to be accurate and reproducible, which can be used for the quality control of Disodium Cantharidinate and Vitamin B6 injection.
Key words:  Disodium Cantharidinate and Vitamin B6 injection  disodium cantharidinate  vitamin B6  HPLC  quantitative analysis