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ZHU Yonghong,YIN Xiaoqin,WANG Shuang,LUO Jia,CHEN Bohua.Effect Evaluation of Clinical Pharmacists Participate in the Management of Antibiotics in Elderly Patients with Acute Pancreatitis in the Department of Gastroenterology[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2022,39(15):2021-2025.
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朱永红, 殷晓芹, 王爽, 罗佳, 陈伯华
南通大学附属医院药学部, 江苏 南通 226001
目的 研究临床药师参与消化内科老年急性胰腺炎抗菌药物管理,为临床合理使用抗菌药物提供参考。方法 临床药师采取措施参与消化内科老年急性胰腺炎患者抗菌药物的管理,收集2019年1—7月和2020年1—7月消化内科使用抗菌药物的老年急性胰腺炎患者,比较临床药师管理前后抗菌药物使用情况。结果 抗菌药物管理前后患者年龄、性别、临床症状好转率、血淀粉酶转阴率无明显差别;管理后住院日显著降低(P<0.05),抗菌药物使用总金额、平均每人使用抗菌药物金额、抗菌药物使用总天数、抗菌药物使用量、抗菌药物累计消耗量/限定日剂量数、抗菌药物联合使用例数均减少。拉氧头孢在老年急性胰腺炎患者中使用量较高。结论 临床药师参与抗菌药物的临床管理,提高了消化内科抗菌药物合理使用水平,降低了抗菌药物使用量,减少了患者的医疗费用。
关键词:  临床药师  急性胰腺炎  老年  抗菌药物
Effect Evaluation of Clinical Pharmacists Participate in the Management of Antibiotics in Elderly Patients with Acute Pancreatitis in the Department of Gastroenterology
ZHU Yonghong, YIN Xiaoqin, WANG Shuang, LUO Jia, CHEN Bohua
Department of Pharmacy, Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University, Nantong 226001, China
OBJECTIVE To study clinical pharmacists participate in the management of antibiotics in elderly patients with acute pancreatitis in Department of Gastroenterology, so as to provide reference for clinical rational use of antibiotics. METHODS Clinical pharmacists took measures to participate in the management of antibiotics in elderly patients with acute pancreatitis in the Department of Gastroenterology. The elderly patients with acute pancreatitis who used antibiotics in the Department of Gastroenterology from January to July in 2019 and January to July in 2020 were collected and compared before and after the management of clinical pharmacists. RESULTS There was no significant difference in age, gender, improvement rate of clinical symptoms and negative conversion rate of serum amylase between before and after the management of antibiotics. The length of stay after management was significantly reduced(P<0.05). The total amount of antibiotics used, the average amount of antibiotics used per person, the total days of using antibiotics, the amount of antibiotics used, the cumulative defined daily dose number of antibiotics, and the number of cases of combined use of antibiotics were reduced less. The dosage of latamoxef was higher in elderly patients with acute pancreatitis. CONCLUSION Clinical pharmacists participating in the clinical management of antibiotics improved the level of rational use of antibiotics in gastroenterology, reduced the use of antibiotics and the medical expenses of patients.
Key words:  clinical pharmacist  acute pancreatitis  elderly  antibiotics