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ZHAO Jie, HE Qiang, YAO Binghua, KONG Xianghong.Qualitative Confirmation of Active Ingredient of Arbutin in Pear Leaves and Quantitative Determination by HPLC[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2011,28(12):1129-1132.
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1.西安理工大学理学院,西安 710054;2.陕西出入境检验检疫局检验检疫技术中心,西安 710068
目的 确证梨树叶中含有熊果苷,并建立高效液相色谱法测定梨树叶中熊果苷的含量。方法 将充分粉碎的梨树叶样品用甲醇提取,蒸去甲醇后用ENVITM-18固相萃取柱净化,采用在线获取的紫外光谱及扫描质谱对熊果苷进行确证。高效液相色谱分析时用Inertsil ODS-3色谱柱分离,甲醇-水(1∶9)洗脱,282 nm检测。结果 梨树叶样品中目标物的紫外吸收光谱及子离子扫描质谱图与熊果苷标准品相同。高效液相色谱法定量分析时线性关系良好,熊果苷的回收率>93%,RSD<2.1%。结论 梨树叶中含有熊果苷有效成分,高效液相色谱法检测梨树叶中熊果苷的含量简便、快速、准确。
关键词:  梨树叶  熊果苷  高效液相色谱  含量  确证
Qualitative Confirmation of Active Ingredient of Arbutin in Pear Leaves and Quantitative Determination by HPLC
ZHAO Jie, HE Qiang, YAO Binghua, KONG Xianghong1,2
1.College of Science, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an 710054, China;2.Inspection and Quarantine Technology Centre, Shaanxi Entry-exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Xi’an 710068, China
OBJECTIVE To confirm arbutin as an ingredient in pear leaves, and develop a method for the determination of arbutin content in pear leaves by HPLC. METHODS The full powdered pear leaves were extracted with methanol, then cleanup was performed on ENVITM-18 SPE columns after methanol boiled off. Qualitative confirmation using the UV spectrum and mass spectra was acquired on-line. HPLC was performed on Inertsil ODS-3 column with DAD detection wavelength of 282 nm using methanol-water(1∶9) as mobile phase. RESULTS The UV spectrum and mass spectra of the target chromatographic peak were the same as arbutin standard. The HPLC method showed good linear relationship, the recoveries of arbutin were all more than 93% and RSD was less than 2.1%. CONCLUSION Arbutin is an active ingredient in pear leaves, and HPLC as the content analysis method is simple, rapid and accurate.
Key words:  pear leaves  arbutin  HPLC  content  confirmation