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LIU Yue, DENG Qintao, ZHANG Fan.Analysis of the Content of Total Alkaloid in Aconitum Leucostomum Worosch from Different Districts[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2012,29(2):126-128.
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1.新疆名医名方与特色方剂重点实验室,乌鲁木齐 830011;2.武警新疆兵团指挥部后勤部医院药剂科,乌鲁木齐 830063
目的 测定不同产地白喉乌头所含总生物碱的含量。方法 采用索式提取法对药材进行提取,结合酸溶碱沉和萃取的方法从药材中提取白喉乌头总生物碱;利用紫外光谱对经过酸性染料络合的生物碱进行分析,检测其中总生物碱的含量。结果 新源县、巩留县和昭苏县所产白喉乌头原药材中含有总生物碱分别为2.246,4.682和3.597 mg·g-1;回归方程为Y=11.5X + 0.121,r=0.999 6,乌头碱浓度在6~36 μg·mL-1内呈良好的线性关系。结论 采用紫外-可见分光光度法测定不同产地白喉乌头中总生物碱的含量,具有操作简便、结果准确的特点;其结果可为该药材的活性和毒性物质基础研究提供依据。
关键词:  白喉乌头  生物碱  紫外光谱
Analysis of the Content of Total Alkaloid in Aconitum Leucostomum Worosch from Different Districts
LIU Yue, DENG Qintao, ZHANG Fan1,2
1.Xinjiang Laboratory of Famous Prescription and Science of Formulas, Urumqi 830011, China;2.Logistics Division Hospital, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Urumqi 830063, China
OBJECTIVE To analyze the contents of total alkaloid in Aconitum leucostomum Worosch from different districts. METHODS The total alkaloids in different samples were isolated by Soxhlet extraction combined with different pH value solutions and extraction method. Ultraviolet spectrometer was used to analyze the contents of total alkaloid in all samples. RESULTS The contents of total alkaloid were 2.246, 4.682 and 3.597 mg·g-1 in the roots of A. leucostomum Worosch from Xinyuan county, Gongliu county and Zhaosu county, respectively. The regression equation was Y=11.5X+0.121, r=0.999 6, and the concentration of aconitine within 6-36 μg·mL-1 appeared the favorable linear relationship. CONCLUSION The ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry is a simple and accurate method for determining the total alkaloid in A. leucostomum Worosch from different habitats. The results may establish foundations for further research on components in it.
Key words:  Aconitum leucostomum Worosch.  alkaloid  ultraviolet spectrometer