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ZHONG Mingcheng, RAO Weiwen, XIAO Cong.Study on Determination Methods and Investigate on the Commercial Samples for Olibanum[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2012,29(5):409-414.
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广西桂林食品药品检验所,广西 桂林 541002
目的 对市售乳香及其炮制品进行调查鉴定,并研究其掺伪品中所含松香酸的检测方法。方法 从国内10个省市的药材市场中收集样品50批,采用性状、理化、TLC、HPLC-PAD、HPLC-MS等方法对其中的掺伪成分淀粉、松香酸进行定性定量分析。结果 经检测50批市售品,其中只有27批为正品;23批掺伪品中有13批检出淀粉,22批检出松香酸。结论 市售乳香质量问题较严重,主要是用淀粉、松香掺假,或在正品中掺入伪品,本实验所建立的检测方法,可用于掺伪物松香定性定量检测。
关键词:  乳香  掺伪品  伪品  松香酸  薄层色谱法  高效液相色谱-质谱联用法  商品鉴定
Study on Determination Methods and Investigate on the Commercial Samples for Olibanum
ZHONG Mingcheng, RAO Weiwen, XIAO Cong
Guangxi Guilin Institute of Food and Drug Control, Guilin 541002, China
OBJECTIVE To identify falsify or counterfeit of Olibanum and different processed products, to compare them with the Official Frankincense, and to study determination methods for abietic acid. METHODS Fifty batches of Olibanum commercial samples were collected from medicine market of 10 provinces(cities). The starch was identified by morphology and chemical reaction; the abietic acid was identified by TLC, HPLC-PAD and HPLC-MS; the abietic acid content of falsify or counterfeit was determind by HPLC. RESULTS From tested fifty batches of Olibanum commercial samples, twenty-seven groups were Official Frankincense, and twenty-three were counterfeit. There were thirteen groups detected starch, and twenty-two groups detected abietic acid. CONCLUSION The problem of counterfeit and falsify in Olibanum commercial samples is serious. The counterfeit is made by starch and colophony. The falsify is a mixture of counterfeit and Olibanum. The method can meet the requirements of identification and determination.
Key words:  Olibanum  falsify  counterfeit  abietic acid  TLC  HPLC-MS  commercial drug identification