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YANG Junxuan,CAO Weiguo,ZHANG Yibing,WU Tianjiao.Dry Granulating Technique Research of Zaorenshen’an Tablet by Orthogonal Experiment[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2012,29(8):721-725.
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杨军宣1, 曹纬国1, 张义兵1, 吴天骄2
1.重庆医科大学中医药学院,重庆 400016;2.四川迪康科技药业股份有限公司,成都 610041
目的 采用干法制粒工艺制备枣仁神安片,研究干法制粒的最佳工艺条件。方法 采用L9(34)正交试验,以颗粒得率和颗粒脆碎度为评价指标,考察轧轮压力、轧轮转速、浸膏粉含水、物料传送速度的影响,优化干法制粒最佳工艺参数。结果 最佳工艺参数为轧轮压力1.5 MPa,轧轮转速12 r·min-1,物料传送速度50 r·min-1,浸膏粉含水量不得超过6%。结论 上述工艺稳定可靠,可应用于枣仁神安片的生产。
关键词:  枣仁神安片  正交设计  干法制粒  工艺研究
Dry Granulating Technique Research of Zaorenshen’an Tablet by Orthogonal Experiment
YANG Junxuan1, CAO Weiguo1, ZHANG Yibing1, WU Tianjiao2
1.TCM College of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400016, China;2.Sichuan Dikang Technology Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Chengdu 610041, China
OBJECTIVE To optimize conditions and parameters of Zaorenshen’an tablet, which was prepared by dry granulating technique. METHODS Taking granule yield and granule friability as measure indexes, the L9(34) orthogonal experiment was used to study the best conditions and parameters of dry granulating technique of Zaorenshen’an tablet. The factors, including roller pressure, roller speed, moisture content of power and transfer speed were studied in the experiment. RESULTS The optimal technique was: roller pressure at 1.5 MPa, roller speed at 12 r·min-1, moisture content of power under 6%, transfer speed of mixture of drug and accessories at 50 r·min-1. CONCLUSION The process of dry granulating technique of Zaorenshen’an tablet is stable and reliable, which can be used for industrial production.
Key words:  Zaorenshen’an tablet  orthogonal design  dry granulating technique  process study