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HUANG Hanhui, ZHENG Shiming, MEI Zhengrong, YAN Pengke.Effect of Telmisartan Treatment on Artery Elasticity in Essential Hypertension[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2012,29(6):554-557.
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广州医学院第三附属医院药学部,广州 510150
目的 研究替米沙坦对原发性高血压患者动脉弹性的影响,探讨替米沙坦对动脉血管弹性病理性降低的逆转机制。方法 入选原发性高血压患者127例,应用替米沙坦80 mg·d-1治疗3个月,测定患者治疗前后血清一氧化氮、血清瘦素水平及观察大、小动脉弹性指数。结果 替米沙坦治疗3个月,原发性高血压患者总体血压水平下降(P<0.05),达到降压治疗的目的。替米沙坦极显著性降低血清瘦素水平(P<0.01),显著提高血清一氧化氮浓度(P<0.05),并提升大动脉弹性指数和小动脉弹性指数(P<0.01)。结论 替米沙坦能控制原发性高血压并改善动脉弹性。
关键词:  替米沙坦  原发性高血压  动脉弹性  一氧化氮  瘦素
Effect of Telmisartan Treatment on Artery Elasticity in Essential Hypertension
HUANG Hanhui, ZHENG Shiming, MEI Zhengrong, YAN Pengke
Department of Pharmacy, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou 510150, China
OBJECTIVE To discuss the effect of telmisartan treatment on artery elasticity in essential hypertension(EH) and to investigate the mechanism of telmisartan that reverse the pathological changes of artery elasticity. METHODS Totally 127 patients with essential hypertension were chosen to be treated with telmisartan(80 mg·d-1) for 3 months. The serum levels of leptin and nitric oxide, large artery elasticity index and small artery elasticity index were determined in pre- and post-treatment. RESULTS After 3 months of treatment by telmisartan overall blood pressure levels in patients with essential hypertension (P<0.05) were achieve antihypertensive treatment goal, very significantly reduced serum leptin level (P<0.01), notably improved the serum levels of nitric oxide (P<0.05), and significant lifted large and small artery elasticity index(P<0.01). CONCLUSION Telmisartan can control essential hypertension and improve artery elasticity.
Key words:  telmisartan  essentail hypertension  arteryl elasticity  NO  leptin