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LI Ranran,XU Honghua.Clinical Efficacy of Vinpocetine Injection in Treatment of Vertigo Caused by Posterior Circulation Ischemic[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2015,32(1):104-107.
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李冉冉, 徐鸿华
嘉兴市第二医院,浙江 嘉兴 314000
目的 探讨长春西汀注射液治疗后循环缺血性眩晕的临床疗效。方法 74例患者随机分成治疗组和对照组,分别给予长春西汀注射液和灯盏花素注射液治疗,并监测治疗前后血液流变学和后循环血流动力学指标。结果 长春西汀注射液和灯盏花素注射液对后循环缺血性眩晕均有效,长春西汀组总有效率为86.84%,灯盏花素组总有效率为75.00%,2组有效率比较无统计学差异(χ2=10.65,P=0.059),且2组均未出现明显不良反应。2组组内比较显示治疗后血液流变学指标和后循环的平均血流速度(Vm)均优于治疗前(P<0.01),组间比较显示长春西汀注射液组治疗后的血液流变学指标和后循环的Vm均优于灯盏花素注射液组(P<0.01)。结论 长春西汀和灯盏花素均可用于治疗后循环缺血性眩晕,且长春西汀对于改善后循环缺血性眩晕患者的血液流变学和后循环的Vm更具有优势。
关键词:  长春西汀注射液  灯盏花素注射液  后循环缺血  眩晕
Clinical Efficacy of Vinpocetine Injection in Treatment of Vertigo Caused by Posterior Circulation Ischemic
LI Ranran, XU Honghua
The Second Hospital of Jiaxing, Jiaxia 314000, China
OBJECTIVE To investigate the clinical efficacy of vinpocetine in treatment of vertigo caused by posterior circulation ischemic. METHODS A total of 74 patients were randomly divided into treatment group and control group, which were treated with Vinpocetine injection and Breviscapine injection, respectively, and evaluated with posterior circulation hemodynamics and hemorheology parameters between pre- and post-treatment. RESULTS Both Vinpocetine injection and Breviscapine injection were effective in treatment of vertigo caused by posterior circulation ischemic. Total effective rates in treatment group and control group were 86.84% and 75.00%. There was no significant difference in the total efficiency rate between the two group, and both had no significant adverse reaction. Intra-group comparisons of both two groups showed that hemodynamics and Vm in posterior circulation were significantly better in pre-treatment compared with post-treatment(P<0.01); inter-group comparisons of both two groups showed that hemodynamics and the Vm in posterior circulation were significantly better in treatment group compared with control group(P<0.01). CONCLUSION Both Vinpocetine injection and Breviscapine injection can be used for the treatment of posterior circulation ischemic vertigo and the advantages of Vinpocetine injection are that it has great effect on the posterior circulation hemodynamics and hemorheology parameters.
Key words:  Vinpocetine injection  Breviscapine injection  posterior circulation ischemic  vertigo