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LI Yunsong,CHEN Yao.Intervention and Analysis of Drug Prophylaxis in Cesarean Section Perioperative[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2013,30(7):795-799.
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李云送, 陈瑶
厦门市妇幼保健院,福建 厦门 361003
目的 对剖宫产术围手术期预防用药进行干预,使临床使用逐趋合理。方法 采用回顾性方法,随机抽取我院2009年6—12月、2010年6—12月及2011年6—12月,干预前、中、后剖宫产手术各120例,对抗菌药物的应用情况进行分析。结果 干预后药物选择、用法用量、首次给药时机、疗程等都得到显著改善。结论 实施干预可明显提高剖宫产术围手术期抗菌药物合理使用比例,对促进医院安全、有效、经济及合理使用抗菌药物起到积极推动作用。
关键词:  剖宫产  抗菌药物  合理应用  干预研究
Intervention and Analysis of Drug Prophylaxis in Cesarean Section Perioperative
LI Yunsong, CHEN Yao
Xiamen Maternal and Child Health Center, Xiamen 361003, China
OBJECTIVE In order to make clinical use of antibacterial more rational, intervention of antimicrobial agents duration cesarean perioperative was applied. METHODS 360 cases of selective cesarean section were randomly selected from our hospital during Jun.-Dec. in 2009 and Jun.-Dec. in 2010 and Jun.-Dec. in 2011, respectively(n=120), before, during and after intervention. Retrospective analysis was applied to analyze the application of antimicrobials in those cases. RESULTS The drug of choice, Dosage, initial administration time, duration, etc after the intervention has been significantly improved. CONCLUSION The implementation of the intervention can significantly increase the cesarean section perioperative antibiotic use the proportion of promoting the hospital safe, effective, economical and rational use of antimicrobial agents play a positive role in promoting.
Key words:  cesarean section  antimicrobial agents  rational use of drugs  intervention