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ZHANG Hui,ZHAO Tingting,DAI Liujiang,YOU Xiaojuan,GUO Zengjun.Semi-bionic Enzyme Extraction Method of Glycyrrhizic Acid in Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2013,30(9):969-972.
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张卉, 赵婷婷, 戴柳江, 尤晓娟, 郭增军
西安交通大学医学院药学系,西安 710061
目的 研究半仿生-酶法提取甘草中甘草酸的最佳工艺。方法 分别采用b-葡聚糖酶,果胶酶,提取用酶,纤维素酶以及半仿生-纤维素酶对甘草进行提取,通过高效液相色谱法检测甘草酸得率。以甘草酸得率和干膏收率为考察指标,对半仿生酶法进行正交试验优化。结果 该法的最佳提取条件为提取温度80 ℃,料液比1∶18,提取时间为2 h。结论 半仿生-纤维素酶提取甘草酸的方法经济有效,可作为甘草酸提取工艺应用。
关键词:  甘草  甘草酸  半仿生-酶法  提取工艺
Semi-bionic Enzyme Extraction Method of Glycyrrhizic Acid in Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma
ZHANG Hui, ZHAO Tingting, DAI Liujiang, YOU Xiaojuan, GUO Zengjun
Faculty of Pharmacy, School of Medicine, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710061, China
OBJECTIVE To study the suitable semi-bionic enzyme extraction method of glycyrrhizic acid in Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma. METHODS β-Dextranase, pectinase, extraction enzyme and cellulase were tested to determine which one was the most appropriate enzyme for glycyrrhizic acid extraction. The cellulase was selected and the semi-bionic cellulase extractions were performed in orthogonal experiment with three levels for three factors. Content of the glycyrrhizic acid in all the extracts were tested with HPLC. RESULTS Based on the content of glycyrrhizic acid and the extract yield, the preferred process of the orthogonal experiment was determined as: extraction temperature of 80 ℃, extraction time of 2.0 h and solid- liquid ratio of 1∶18. CONCLUSION Semi-bionic enzyme extraction is an economical and effective method for glycyrrhizic acid, which can be used in the extraction process of Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma.
Key words:  Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma  glycyrrhizic acid  semi-bionic enzyme method  extraction process