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CHEN Zhi,DAI Tieying,LIN Shengyun.Case Report and Review: Hypopituitarism after the ATG Treatment for the Patient of Severe Aplastic Anemia[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2013,30(5):544-547.
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陈智1, 戴铁颖2, 林圣云2
1.浙江中医药大学第一临床医学院,杭州 310006;2.浙江省中医院 国家中医临床研究(血液病)基地,杭州 310006
目的 了解在使用ATG行强化免疫抑制治疗重型再障的过程中引起垂体功能减退的原因及相关并发症的防治。方法 临床医师总结 1 例应用ATG引起垂体功能减退的诊治过程及对国内外文献进行查阅。结果 ATG可以引起垂体功能减退,应引起临床注意。结论 在临床诊治重型再生障碍性贫血时,要特别注意潜在的并发症,从而降低治疗风险,提高疗效。
关键词:  重型再生障碍性贫血  抗胸腺细胞球蛋白  垂体功能减退
Case Report and Review: Hypopituitarism after the ATG Treatment for the Patient of Severe Aplastic Anemia
CHEN Zhi1, DAI Tieying2, LIN Shengyun2
1.The First Clinical College of Zhejiang Chinese Medicine University, Hangzhou 310006, China;2.Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the National Chinese Medicine Clinical Research (Hematology) Base, Hangzhou 310006, China
OBJECTIVE To find out the cause of hypopituitarism induced by ATG in the process of intensive immunosuppressive therapy (IST) for severe aplastic anemia, and to prevent related complications. METHODS A case of hypopituitarism induced by ATG was chosen, which clinical physician participated in the whole treatment and literatures were reviewed. RESULTS ATG can induce hypopituitarism, which should bring enough attentions in clinical. CONCLUSION In the clinical diagnosis and treatment of severe aplastic anemia, we should pay more attention to the potential complications, so as to reduce the risk of treatment, improve the outcome of treatment.
Key words:  aplastic anemia  ATG  hypopituitarism