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HE Xianyuan,YU Lurong,FENG Jing,MING Fuxiao.Study on the Properties of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2010 Vol Ⅰ[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2014,31(2):164-167.
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何先元, 喻录容, 冯婧, 明拂晓
重庆医科大学中医药学院,重庆 401331
目的 了解中国药典2010年版一部药材所收载中药的药性特点,为临床用药安全和中药研发提供参考。方法 统计分析中国药典2010年版一部中药材和饮片,了解药典记载的中药材和饮片四气五味等,归纳其药性特点。结果 药典一部所收载的683味中药,温性药有25.84%,苦味药有43.47%,入肝经有51.40%,有毒药物有14.35%。结论 本文结合现代中药药理学和药效学等研究,提出用统计学方法系统分析中药药性理论的科学内涵,概括中药药性理论的共性,促进中药药性理论的完善。
关键词:  中国药典  中药  药性
Study on the Properties of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2010 Vol Ⅰ
HE Xianyuan, YU Lurong, FENG Jing, MING Fuxiao
College of Traditional Chinese Medical, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 401331, China
OBJECTIVE To comprehend the properties characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine in Chinese pharmacopoeia 2010 Vol Ⅰ[Ch.P(2010) VolⅠ] for guaranty the clinical medication safety and provide the references for the research of traditional Chinese medicine. METHODS Four natures and five flavors of traditional Chinese medicinal materials and Chinese medicine prepared drug in pieces in Ch.P(2010)Vol Ⅰ were statistical analyzed so as to summed up its property characteristics. RESULTS There were 683 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine in Ch.P(2010)Vol Ⅰ, temperature drugs accounted for 25.84%, bitter drugs accounted for 43.47%, into the liver drugs accounted for 51.40%, toxic drugs accounted for 14.35%. CONCLUSION It is must be to further enrich theory of traditional Chinese medicine medicinal properties that combined with the modern Chinese medicine pharmacology and pharmacodynamics research. It is summarized the scientific connotation of property theory of traditional Chinese medicine by system statistical method analysis.
Key words:  Chinese pharmacopoeia  traditional Chinese medicine  drug property