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YANG Ying,ZHANG Yongping ,LIANG Guangyi.Protective Effect of Xiaohuaqingfengteng Capsule on Acute Liver Injury Mice and Its Acute Toxicity Test[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2013,30(11):1166-1170.
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杨莹, 张永萍, 梁光义
贵阳中医学院药学院,贵阳 550002
目的 研究小花清风藤胶囊对CCl4和D-半乳糖致小鼠急性肝损伤的保护作用及其急性毒性的测定。方法 将小鼠分成正常对照组、阳性联苯双脂组、模型组及高中低三个给药剂量组,采用腹腔注射CCl4和D-半乳糖建立小鼠急性肝损伤模型,经眼球取血,测定血清中的谷丙转氨酶(ALT)、谷草转氨酶(AST)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和丙二醛(MDA)的水平,同时测定肝脏指数,部分肝脏作常规HE切片观察。将小鼠随机分成给药组和空白对照组,并观察记录14 d内小鼠是否死亡、体质量和摄食量等,14 d后处死做大体解剖,观察其各主要脏器是否异常。结果 小花清风藤胶囊各个剂量组均能降低肝损伤小鼠血清中的ALT、AST、MDA水平和肝脏指数,升高血清中SOD含量(P<0.05或P<0.01),肝脏病理切片结果显示小花清风藤胶囊各组对肝损伤均有明显改善作用;实验给药组无一例小鼠死亡,与空白对照组比较,体质量略有降低,但进食量和行为活动均无异常,大体解剖后未见给药组动物的脏器异常。结论 小花清风藤胶囊对小鼠急性肝损伤具有一定保护作用;以最大剂量给药未见急性毒性反应。
关键词:  小花清风藤胶囊  CCl4  肝损伤  D-半乳糖  急性毒性
Protective Effect of Xiaohuaqingfengteng Capsule on Acute Liver Injury Mice and Its Acute Toxicity Test
YANG Ying, ZHANG Yongping , LIANG Guangyi
Guiyang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guiyang 550002, China
OBJECTIVE To research the protective effect of Xiaohuaqingfengteng capsule on acute liver injury mice induced by CCl4 and D-galactosamine (D-Gal), and to detect its acute toxicity. METHODS Mice were divided into 6 groups(n=10): normal group, positive drug group, model group and the high, medium and low dose groups. Acute liver injury mice model were induced by CCl4 or D-Gal. Then blood from eyeball was used to examine serum ALT, AST, SOD, and MDA. The liver index was determined, and the pathologic section of the liver was stained for HE expression. The mice were randomly divided into the treatment group and the normal group in acute toxicity experiment. The mortality, changes of the body weigh and feed intake of animals were measured. After 14 days, all animals were killed and grossly anatomized, then the internal organs were observed. RESULTS In each group Xiaohuaqingfengteng capsule could decrease serum ALT, AST, MDA levels and liver index and increase serum SOD level (P<0.05 or P<0.01). Pathologic examination showed liver injury had significantly improved in each treatment groups. The mortality was 0 in the treatment group of acute toxicity test. Compared with the normal group, the changes of food intake and behavioral activity have no significant different in treatment group except a slight decrease in body weight. After the gross anatomy, the appearance of organs were not abnormal. CONCLUSION Xiaohuaqingfengteng capsule has a protective effect on acute liver injury. And there did not exist the acute toxicity in treatment mice with maximum dose.
Key words:  Xiaohuaqingfengteng capsule  CCl4  liver injury  D-Gal  acute toxicity