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YUAN Yumei,WANG Ronghua,YANG Shuixin.Analysis of 892 Adverse Drug Reaction Reports of Antiepileptic Drugs[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2013,30(11):1264-1268.
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袁玉梅, 汪荣华, 杨水新
浙江省湖州市中心医院临床药学科,浙江 湖州 313000
目的 了解抗癫痫药物(AEDs)致不良反应(ADR)情况,探讨并分析规律,促进临床安全、合理用药。方法 对浙江省基层医院2008年—2012年上报的892例AEDs致ADR进行统计、分析及评价。结果 在892例AEDs致ADR中,男女患者比例为1.07∶1;传统及新型AEDs分别以41~50岁、21~30岁年龄段最多;其中以传统AEDs中丙戊酸钠及卡马西平占比例较多,分别为35.09%和24.55%,其次为新型AEDs奥卡西平,占14.01%;皮肤及其附件损害为最常见临床表现,占39.13%,其次为消化系统及神经系统损害。结论 临床应重视AEDs引起的ADR,定期监测与分析ADR情况,加强安全、合理用药。
关键词:  抗癫痫药物  不良反应  合理用药
Analysis of 892 Adverse Drug Reaction Reports of Antiepileptic Drugs
YUAN Yumei, WANG Ronghua, YANG Shuixin
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Huzhou Central Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Huzhou 313000, China
OBJECTIVE To investigate the adverse drug reactions(ADRs) caused by antiepileptic drugs(AEDs), as to promote rational use of drug. METHODS All of 892 ADR cases reported from primary hospital of Zhejiang province in 2008-2012 were collected and analyzed retrospectively. RESULTS The ADRs in male were a little more than that in female, and the proportion was 1.07∶1. The highest incidence rate of ADR caused by convention AEDs was in 41-50 group, while newer AEDs in 21-30 group. Among 892 cases of ADR reports, the top three ADRs were caused by valproic acid(35.09%), carbamazepine(24.55%), and newer AEDs Oxcarbazepine(14.01%), respectively. The main clinical manifestations of ADRs were the damage of the skin or its annexes, the digestive system, central nervous system, and so on. CONCLUSION More attention should be paid to the ADR caused by AEDs in clinic, and the ADR should be monitored and reported regularly to promote rational drug use.
Key words:  antiepileptic drugs  adverse drug reaction  rational drug use