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FU Cuixiang,LIN Guangyong,BAI Shaohua,ZHU Guanghui,WANG Zengshou .Implementation of the Automation Pharmacies Mode in the Children’s Outpatient[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2013,30(11):1253-1256.
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付翠香, 林光勇, 白少华, 朱光辉, 王增寿
温州医科大学附属第二医院药学部,浙江 温州 325027
目的 探讨对传统儿童门诊药房进行自动化改造的模式,并对医院自动化药房在儿童药房的实施经验进行总结。方法 应用IRON-快速发药系统和药品智能存取系统,对医院儿童门诊药房的配发模式进行改造并运行,对实施过程中遇到的问题和解决办法,实施后的改变及运行管理中的经验与体会进行总结。结果 门诊自动化药房能优化药品管理,降低调剂差错,提高药师工作效率。结论 儿童门诊药房自动化模式运行良好,自动化是现代化门诊药房的发展方向。
关键词:  门诊药房  自动化发药设备  药品调配
Implementation of the Automation Pharmacies Mode in the Children’s Outpatient
FU Cuixiang, LIN Guangyong, BAI Shaohua, ZHU Guanghui, WANG Zengshou
Department of Pharmacy, The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou 325027, China
OBJECTIVE To reform the traditional outpatient pharmacy of children, and sum up the experience of pharmacy automation implementation Children’s pharmacy. METHODS Applied IRON-fast drug delivery system and drug intelligent access system to reform and run dispensing medicine mode outpatient pharmacy of children. The problems and solutions in the process of implementation, the change after implementation and the experience of operation and management were Summarized. RESULTS Outpatient pharmacy to optimize drug management automation, reduce dispensing error, enhances the working efficiency of the pharmacist. CONCLUSION The model of automation implementation Children's pharmacy was running well. Automation was the development direction of modern outpatient pharmacy.
Key words:  outpatient pharmacy  automated dispensing equipment  dispense