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WANG Binbin,ZHANG Xiaolan,CHEN Peifeng.Clinical Observation on 15 Colorectal Cancer Patients in Blood Hypercolktive State Treated with Aidi Injection[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2014,31(4):475-477.
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王彬彬, 张晓兰, 陈培丰
浙江中医药大学附属第一医院,杭州 310006
目的 观察艾迪注射液对血浆D-二聚体的干预作用,探讨其对结直肠癌患者高凝状态的影响。 方法 筛选30例D-二聚体异常升高的具有复发高危因素Dukes’B期以上的结直肠癌患者,随机分为对照组与治疗组,每组15例,均采用标准FOLFOX或XELOX方案化疗,治疗组联合使用艾迪注射液,在疗程前后用免疫比浊法测定血浆D-二聚体值。结果 对照组D-二聚体升高10例,降低5例,均值在治疗前后统计学无差异;治疗组D-二聚体升高3例,降低12例,均值在治疗前后差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),并且2组D-二聚体降低率的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),二者治疗前后D-二聚体的净效应之间差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论 艾迪注射液可降低高凝状态结直肠癌患者的D-二聚体水平,化疗对结直肠癌患者的D-二聚体水平无显著影响。
关键词:  D-二聚体  结直肠癌  艾迪注射液  高凝状态
Clinical Observation on 15 Colorectal Cancer Patients in Blood Hypercolktive State Treated with Aidi Injection
WANG Binbin, ZHANG Xiaolan, CHEN Peifeng
The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou 310006, China
OBJECTIVE To explore the intervention effect of Aidi injection on blood hypercolktive state of 15 patients with advanced colorectal cancer by means of testing plasma D-dimer’s levels. METHODS Thirty cases with colorectal cancer with abnormal D-dimer values were randomly divided into control group and treatment group, 15 cases in each group, and treated with chemotherapy or Aidi injection combining chemotherapy separately. Their plasma D-dimer concentrations were measured by immunoturbidimetric assay before and after treatment. RESULTS D-dimer concentrations of 10 cases in control group rose, the others reduced. No significant difference was found before and after treatment. D-dimer concentrations of 3 cases in treatment group rose, the others reduced. A significant difference of mean was found before and after treatment(P<0.01). The rate of decline and the deviation values of D-dimer were statistically significant difference between two groups(P<0.05 and P<0.01). CONCLUSION Aidi injection can ameliorate D-dimer concentrations of large intestine patients in blood hypercolktive state. Chemotherapy does not influence the plasma D-dimer concentrations of patients with colorectal cancer.
Key words:  D-dimer  colorectal cancer  Aidi injection  blood hypercolktive state