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XIA Miaofen,LIANG Wenquan,LI Shimin,WANG Hua.Study on the Formulation of Compound Neostigmine in Situ Ophthalmic Gel[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2014,31(6):711-713.
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夏苗芬1, 梁文权2, 李士敏3, 王华3
1.浙江医药高等专科学校,浙江 宁波 315100;2.浙江大学药学院,杭州 310058;3.浙江大学分析测试中心,杭州 310058
目的 筛选用于治疗近视的复方甲硫酸新斯的明眼用原位凝胶处方。方法 温度敏感型凝胶以泊洛沙姆P407和泊洛沙姆P188为基质;离子敏感型凝胶以去乙酰结冷胶为基质;pH敏感型凝胶以卡波姆P934、卡波姆P940和羟丙基甲基纤维素为基质,以胶凝的黏度与成分的相溶性为考察指标,筛选最佳基质处方。采用美国药典溶出度测定法第三法的改良法,作缓释制剂的释放度考察。结果 以温度敏感型的泊洛沙姆P407 24%和P188 10%合用的基质制备复方甲硫酸新斯的明眼用原位凝胶最为适合。结论 本法制备眼用原位凝胶的工艺可行,并具有较好的缓释效果。
关键词:  复方甲硫酸新斯的明  原位眼用凝胶  泊洛沙姆  制备工艺  释放度考察
Study on the Formulation of Compound Neostigmine in Situ Ophthalmic Gel
XIA Miaofen1, LIANG Wenquan2, LI Shimin3, WANG Hua3
1.Zhejiang Pharmaceutical College, Ningbo 315100, China;2.Pharmaceutical College, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China;3.Center of Analysis and Measurement, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
OBJECTIVE To screen out the formulation of compound neostigmine in situ ophthalmic gel for myopia. METHODS Carbopol P934 and P940 were selected and researched as the matrixl of in situ pH-setting gel and its co-effect of combination with hydroxyl-propyl-methyl-cellulose(HPMC, K4M). The formulation of base material of in situ ion-setting ophthalmic gel was gelrite. And the main matrix material of in situ thermo-setting gel was poloxamer P407 and P188. On the screening of the formulation, the viscosity of gel and the compatibility of ingredients were used as two indexes. RESULTS The applicative formulation of compound neostigmine in situ ophthalmic gel was thermo-setting gel which was including 24% poloxamer P407 and 10% poloxamer P188. CONCLUSION This formulation is feasibility, and this preparation has good properties of sustained release.
Key words:  compound neostigmine  in situ ophthalmic gel  poloxamer  formulation  dissolution test