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CHEN Xilan,LAI Weihua,LIN Xuan.Explore the Use of Single-dose Dispense Packing Machine in the Management of Drug Safety[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2014,31(3):362-364.
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陈细兰, 赖伟华, 林璇
广东省人民医院药学部/广东省医学科学院,广州 510080
目的 总结使用单剂量分包机过程中用药安全方面的管理,并对目前采取的管理方法进行探讨。方法 充分运用单剂量分包机软件系统,结合实际情况,加强用药安全管理。结果 单剂量分包机改变了口服药住院药房调剂工作的模式,但仍存在一些问题需要解决。结论 单剂量分包机与规范化的管理相结合,可有效提升药房工作质量,促进药师工作向药学技术服务型转变。
关键词:  单剂量分包机  用药安全  药品管理
Explore the Use of Single-dose Dispense Packing Machine in the Management of Drug Safety
CHEN Xilan, LAI Weihua, LIN Xuan
Department of Pharmacy, Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital, Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou 510080, China
OBJECTIVE To summarize the use of single-dose dispense packing machine in the process of drug safety management, and discuss the management. METHODS Single-dose dispense packing machine software system was made full use and the actual situation was combined to strengthen the management of drug safety. RESULTS Single dose-dispense packing machine changed dispensing work mode of oral drugs in inpatient pharmacy. But there were still some problems should be solved. CONCLUSION Single-dose dispense packing machine in combination with standardized management can efficiently improve the pharmacy work quality, promote the change of pharmacists to pharmaceutical technology service.
Key words:  single-dose dispense packing machine  drug safety  drug administration