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ZHAO Bin,XIE Xuechao,WANG Zhenhua,WEI Kaihui.Retrospective Analysis of the Adverse Drug Reaction Induced by Theophylline Drugs[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2014,31(5):638-642.
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赵斌, 解学超, 王振华, 魏开惠
潍坊市中医院药学部,山东 潍坊 261041
目的 探讨茶碱类平喘药不良反应(ADR)的特点及相关因素,为临床合理用药提供参考。方法 采用回顾性研究方法,利用“中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)”,“中文科技期刊数据库(VIP)”、“万方数据库(Wanfang)”,对1978年—2013年国内公开报道的茶碱类平喘药所致的132例ADR 进行统计分析。结果 132例 ADR 患者中男性78例(60%),女性52例(40%)。氨茶碱最高107例(81.06%),临床主要表现为神经精神系统损害、消化系统损害、心血管系统损害等。结论 临床医师、药师应了解茶碱类平喘药ADR的规律和特点,加强其应用监测。本研究可为临床茶碱类平喘药的ADR预防和治疗提供参考。
关键词:  茶碱类平喘药  不良反应  文献  数据库  回顾性分析
Retrospective Analysis of the Adverse Drug Reaction Induced by Theophylline Drugs
ZHAO Bin, XIE Xuechao, WANG Zhenhua, WEI Kaihui
Weifang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Weifang 261041, China
OBJECTIVE To explore the features and contributing factors of adverse drug reaction(ADR) induced by theophylline drugs and provide rational use of drugs in clinic. METHODS A retrospective analysis was conducted on 132 cases of ADR publicly reported during the year from 1978 to 2013 via the use of CNKI, VIP and Wanfang Information System. RESULTS Of all the 132 cases, there were 78 male patients, accounting for 60%; 52 female patients, accounting for 40%. The ADR induced by aminophylline reach up to 107 cases, making up 81.06%, and clinic ADRs mainly observed on nervous system damage, digestive system damage, and the cardiovascular system. CONCLUSION Clinical doctors and pharmacists should understand the pattern and characteristics of ADR induced by theophylline drugs, and strengthen monitoring of its use in order to reduce occurrence of ADRs and provide reference for the prevention and therapy of ADR caused by theophylline drugs.
Key words:  theophylline drugs  ADR  literature  database  retrospective analysis