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SUN Xiaofen,LIU Jianfang,ZHAO Xiaoli,ZHANG Donghong,FANG Huajing,YANG Yueqin.Effects of Homemade Scorpion Cream on Chronic Postoperative Refractory Wounds[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2014,31(3):372-374.
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孙晓芬, 刘建芳, 赵晓利, 张东红, 方华瑾, 杨月琴
浙江中医药大学附属第二医院,杭州 310005
目的 探讨全蝎膏治疗慢性术后难治性伤口的临床疗效。方法 80例入选患者随机分成2组,40例采用自制全蝎膏换药治疗,40例使用凡士林纱条换药治疗。结果 全蝎膏治疗组的有效率为95%,治愈率为90%;凡士林纱条治疗组的有效率为70%,治愈率为45%。结论 全蝎膏具有良好的去污、生肌和抗感染作用,对慢性术后难治性伤口效果显著,值得临床推广。
关键词:  全蝎膏  慢性伤口  疗效
Effects of Homemade Scorpion Cream on Chronic Postoperative Refractory Wounds
SUN Xiaofen, LIU Jianfang, ZHAO Xiaoli, ZHANG Donghong, FANG Huajing, YANG Yueqin
The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou 310005, China
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the clinical efficacy of Scorpion cream on chronic postoperative refractory wound. METHODS Eighty patients were randomly divided into two groups: 40 cases were treated with Scorpion cream and the other 40 cases were treated with Vaseline gauze. RESULTS The effective rate of Scorpion cream treatment group was 95%, and the cure rate was 90%. While the effective rate of Vaseline gauze treatment group was 70%, and the cure rate was 45%. CONCLUSION Scorpion cream has good decontamination, tissue regeneration and anti-inflammatory effect, and the treatment effect on chronic intractable postoperative wounds is remarkable and worthy of promotion.
Key words:  Scorpion cream  chronic wounds  effect