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KANG Li,XU Jianzhong,YU Xuping,SUN Yiming.Study on the Orthogonal Test of Concocted Processing Integration in Fresh Corydalis Rhizoma[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2014,31(10):1252-1255.
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康立1, 徐建中2, 俞旭平2, 孙乙铭2
1.慈溪市中医医院,浙江 宁波 315300;2.浙江省中药研究所,杭州 310023
目的 研究鲜元胡初加工与炮制结合的一体化加工炮制技术。方法 通过3因素3水平正交试验,并与传统炮制进行对比,测定各样品中原阿片碱和延胡索乙素含量。结果 以元胡4 mm鲜切片、在含4.6%醋酸的米醋中减压抽真空放气2次和元胡4 mm鲜切片、干燥至含水量约30%、加入15%鲜元胡质量的米醋充分浸润2种工艺最佳,均能充分保留延胡索乙素含量,从而达到炮制的效果。结论 鲜元胡可以直接进行一体化加工和炮制。
关键词:  元胡  一体化  加工炮制  正交试验
Study on the Orthogonal Test of Concocted Processing Integration in Fresh Corydalis Rhizoma
KANG Li1, XU Jianzhong2, YU Xuping2, SUN Yiming2
1.Cixi Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ningbo 315300, China;2.Zhengjiang Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou 310023, China
OBJECTIVE To study the technologies of concocted processing integration in fresh Corydalis Rhizoma. METHODS The orthogonal test of three factors at three different levels was used. The effective constituents content was determined contrast with the traditional processing. RESULTS The two methods of 4 mm slice, 4.6% acetic acid, vacuum pumping for twice and 4 mm slice, about 30% water content after drying, soaking in rice vinegar were optimal process, and can improve the concentration of etrahydropalmatine and achieve the effect of processing. CONCLUSION The study provides the feasibility of concocting processing integration in fresh Corydalis Rhizoma.
Key words:  Corydalis Rhizoma  integration  processing  orthogonal