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DUAN Xiaohong,DAI Haibin.Pharmaceutical Care of Clinical Pharmacist in the Treatment of Secondary Epilepsy with Hypertension and Hyperglycemia[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2014,31(9):1133-1136.
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段晓红1, 戴海斌2
1.广州中医药大学附属第二医院,广州 510120;2.浙江大学医学院附属第二医院,杭州 310009
目的 通过临床药师对1例继发性癫痫并伴有高血压、高血糖患者实施的药学监护过程,探讨临床药师参与临床药物治疗的作用。方法 在癫痫患者的监护中,临床药师通过关注药物与疾病、药物相互作用、疾病的治疗进展等,协助医师制订个体化药学监护和健康教育方案。结果 在临床药师的参与下,该患者选用了安全有效的抗癫痫药物,疾病得到控制,顺利出院。结论 临床药师参与临床实践可有效促进药物的规范与合理使用。
关键词:  临床药师  癫痫  药学监护
Pharmaceutical Care of Clinical Pharmacist in the Treatment of Secondary Epilepsy with Hypertension and Hyperglycemia
DUAN Xiaohong1, DAI Haibin2
1.The Second Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine University of Guangzhou, Guangzhou 510120, China;2.The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou 310009, China
OBJECTIVE To explore the style and role of clinical pharmacist in clinical medication, the pharmaceutical care to a patient with condition of secondary epilepsy with hypertension and hyperglycemia was chosen to analysis. METHODS Clinical pharmacist provided pharmaceutical care to a patient with epilepsy, and assisted physicians to develop effective treatment plan by paying more attention to the interactions between drug and disease, drug and drug. Clinical pharmacist also made individual pharmaceutical care and health education plan from the patient’s backgrounds of disease. RESULTS The patient got saftety and effective medication with the help of clinical pharmacists. CONCLUSION Pharmaceutical care and education to patients by clinical pharmacists would improve patient’s compliance and medication effectiveness.
Key words:  clinical pharmacist  epilepsy  pharmaceutical care