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LIU Dong,JIANG Fengli,LIU Ziyun,ZHANG Xiaoyu,ZHANG Jin,WU Yiping.Pharmaceutical Care of a Paediatric Patient with MRSA Infection in Acute Osteomyelitis Provided by Clinical Pharmacists[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2014,31(8):1014-1016.
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刘冬1, 姜凤丽2, 刘子昀1, 张晓钰1, 张晋1, 乌伊萍1
1.宝鸡市中心医院临床药学室,陕西 宝鸡 721008;2.西安交通大学医学院,西安 710061
目的 探索小儿急性骨髓炎抗感染治疗的方案和药学监护方法。方法 介绍临床药师参与1例小儿急性血源性骨髓炎的抗感染治疗过程。临床药师从抗感染药物的选择、给药剂量和方法、给药疗程、不良反应监测等方面制定个体化给药方案,同时进行药学监护。结果与结论 临床药师利用专业知识,及时发现和解决患者用药期间出现的问题,由临床药师与医师、护士团队协作,能促进合理用药,提高药物治疗水平,保证患者用药的安全有效。
关键词:  药学监护  急性骨髓炎  耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌
Pharmaceutical Care of a Paediatric Patient with MRSA Infection in Acute Osteomyelitis Provided by Clinical Pharmacists
LIU Dong1, JIANG Fengli2, LIU Ziyun1, ZHANG Xiaoyu1, ZHANG Jin1, WU Yiping1
1.Clinical Pharmacy Office, Baoji Central Hospital, Baoji 721008, China;2.Medical College, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710061, China
OBJECTIVE To discuss the way to select drug for anti-infective treatment of paediatric patient with methicillin-resistant stphylococcus aureus(MRSA) infection in acute osteomyelitis and the pharmaceutical care provided by clinical pharmacists. METHODS The process of clinical pharmacist participating in anti-infective treatment for a paediatric patient with acute osteomyelitis was introduced. Clinical pharmacist designed individual medication scheme by considering about selection of anti-infective drug, drug dosage, route of administration and adverse drug reaction, and pharmaceutical care was conducted. RESULTS & CONCLUSION Cooperation of clinical pharmacist, physicians and nurse can improve rational drug use and drug therapy, and ensure the medication safety.
Key words:  pharmaceutical care  acute osteomyelitis  methicillin-resistant stphylococcus aureus(MRSA)