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CHEN Wanji,YANG Minghua,LI Xiaodong,ZHU Fangfang,SANG Gao.Effects of Xiao’er Jianpi Cream on Gastric Myoelectric Activities, Gastric Acid Secretion and Brain-gut Peptide in Functional Dyspesia Rats[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2014,31(9):1041-1045.
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陈婉姬1, 杨明华2, 李晓东3, 朱芳芳3, 桑杲1
1.浙江省立同德医院,杭州 310012;2.浙江省中药研究所,杭州 310023;3.浙江中医药大学,杭州 310053
目的 探讨小儿健脾膏(Xiao’er Jianpi cream,XEJPC)促胃肠动力治疗功能性消化不良(functional dyspesia,FD)的作用机制。方法 通过不规则饮食并饮用酸化水加慢性疲劳刺激法建立大鼠FD模型,观察大鼠体质量、摄食与饮水等一般状况,生物信号采集系统测定大鼠胃肌电,结扎幽门法测定胃酸分泌速度与胃蛋白酶活性,酶联免疫法检测血清胃动素(motilin,MTL)、胃泌素(gastrin,GAS)及P物质(substance P,SP)的含量。结果 XEJPC口服与外敷均能明显增加模型大鼠的摄食量、饮水量与体质量;增强胃肌收缩节律与强度、显著减小FD大鼠胃酸分泌速度、增强胃蛋白酶活性、提高MTL、GAS及SP在血清中含量。结论 XEJPC促胃肠动力治疗FD的药理作用与其提高胃肌收缩节律与强度、减小FD胃酸分泌、增强胃蛋白酶活性、促进MTL、GAS及SP的分泌等有关。
关键词:  小儿健脾膏  功能性消化不良  胃酸分泌  脑肠肽  机制
Effects of Xiao’er Jianpi Cream on Gastric Myoelectric Activities, Gastric Acid Secretion and Brain-gut Peptide in Functional Dyspesia Rats
CHEN Wanji1, YANG Minghua2, LI Xiaodong3, ZHU Fangfang3, SANG Gao1
1.Tongde Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 310012, China;2.Zhejiang Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310023, China;3.Zhejiang Chinese Medicine University, Hangzhou 310053, China
OBJECTIVE To explore the mechanism of Xiao’er Jianpi cream(XEJPC) of promoting gastrointestinal motility and curing functional dyspepsia(FD). METHODS Irregular diet, drinking acidified water and fatigue were used to establish experimental model of FD, then observed the general state of the rats, Biological Functional System was used to observe the gastric myoelectric activities, ligatured the pylorus and detected the speed of gastric acid secretion and activity of gastric pepsin, ELISA was used to detect the content of motilin(MTL), gastrin(GAS) and SP in blood. RESULTS The oral group and external application group of XEJPC both could obviously increase the stomach muscle contraction, decrease the gastric acid secretion and increase the activity of gastric pepsin in FD rats and increase the content of MTL, GAS and SP in blood. CONCLUSION XEJPC has the pharmacology effects of curing FD, the mechanism may be related to increasing of stomach muscle contraction, decreasing of gastric acid secretion, increasing activity of gastric pepsin and acceleration of MTL, GAS and SP secretion in blood.
Key words:  Xiao’er Jianpi cream  functional dyspesia  gastric acid incretion  brain-gut peptide  mechanism