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XIONG Weiyan,JIN Zuhan,MAO Peijiang,ZHANG Rusong,YANG Subei.Effect of Different Extracts of Petasites Japonicus on the Contraction of Isolated Ileum of Guinea Pig[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2014,31(11):1326-1330.
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熊卫艳1, 金祖汉2, 毛培江2, 张如松2, 杨苏蓓2
1.浙江中医药大学药学院,杭州 310053;2.浙江中药研究所,杭州 310023
目的 比较蜂斗菜不同提取物对豚鼠离体回肠收缩的影响。方法 采用豚鼠离体回肠实验,以组胺、乙酰胆碱不同激动剂为研究模型,比较蜂斗菜CO2超临界提取物、80%乙醇提取物、80%乙醇提取物的不同极性提取物及乙酸乙酯提取物经硅胶柱层析分离获得的不同馏分对豚鼠离体回肠的收缩作用,计算各个提取物对豚鼠回肠收缩幅度的抑制率。结果 蜂斗菜不同提取物对组胺、乙酰胆碱所致的豚鼠离体回肠收缩有显著拮抗作用,其中乙酸乙酯提取物硅胶柱色谱的馏分抑制作用最强。结论 蜂斗菜不同提取物均能抑制组胺、乙酰胆碱引起的豚鼠离体回肠收缩作用,脂溶性成分抑制作用最强,其机制可能与M、H1受体的抑制有关。
关键词:  蜂斗菜  豚鼠离体回肠  组胺  乙酰胆碱
Effect of Different Extracts of Petasites Japonicus on the Contraction of Isolated Ileum of Guinea Pig
XIONG Weiyan1, JIN Zuhan2, MAO Peijiang2, ZHANG Rusong2, YANG Subei2
1.College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou 310053, China;2.Zhejiang Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310023, China
OBJECTIVE To compare the effect of different extracts of Petasites japonicus on the contraction of isolated ileum of guinea pig. METHODS By using isolated guinea pig ileum experiments, histamine, acetylcholine load model were used as research models. Petasites japonicus was extracted by supercritical CO2 and 80% ethanol respectively. The 80% ethanol extract was fracted by petroleum, ethyl acetate, n-butyl alcohol. The ethyl acetate extract was purified by silica gel column chromatography. Inhibition ratio of the contraction extent was calculated. RESULTS Different extracts of Petasites japonicus remarkably inhibited the contraction caused by histamine and acetylcholine. Ethyl acetate extract which was purified by silica gel column chromatography had the strongest inhibitory effect. CONCLUSION The different extracts of Petasites japonicus significantly inhibited the contraction of isolated ileum of guinea pig caused by histamine and acetylcholine. The effect of Petasites japonicus on the contraction of isolated ileum of guinea pig was fat-soluble components and was highly relevant to M ACh-receptors and H1 receptors.
Key words:  Petasites japonicus  isolated guinea pig ileum  histamine  acetylcholine