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HE Jian,ZHANG Yan.Rapid Identification and Determination of Etamsylate Injection by Raman Spectroscopy[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2015,32(1):49-54.
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贺艰1, 张雁2,3
1.湖北省老河口市第一医院,湖北 老河口 441800;2.中国食品药品检定研究院,北京 100050;3.湖南省湘潭市食品药品检验所, 湖南 湘潭 411100
目的 建立一种用拉曼光谱技术快速鉴别和测定酚磺乙胺注射液的方法。方法 以酚磺乙胺注射液为研究对象,运用拉曼光谱技术对酚磺乙胺注射液进行快速鉴别和含量测定,测定条件:显微拉曼光谱仪,激发光波长为785 nm,物镜为50×,激光功率为3 mW,信号采集时间为60 s。结果 拉曼光谱法可以鉴别酚磺乙胺注射液。此类注射液中酚磺乙胺含量分别为98.29%,97.56%,100.21%(规格:2 mL∶0.5 g)和98.75%,94.98%,96.25%(规格:2 mL∶0.25 g),测定结果与HPLC测定的结果无显著性差异。结论 本方法操作简便、快速无损,可作为酚磺乙胺注射液快速检测的分析方法。
关键词:  拉曼光谱  快速检测  酚磺乙胺注射液
Rapid Identification and Determination of Etamsylate Injection by Raman Spectroscopy
HE Jian1, ZHANG Yan2,3
1.The First Hospital of Hubei Laohekou, Laohekou 441800, China;2.National Institutes for Food and Drug Control, Beijing 100050, China;3.Hunan Xiangtan Institute for Food and Drug Control, Xiangtan 411100, China
OBJECTIVE To develop a method for the rapid identification and determination of Etamsylate injection using Raman spectra. METHODS Raman spectra was used as the method of identifying and determination the Etamsylate injection. Determination conditions: Micro Raman spectroscopy, Laser: 785 nm, Objective: 50×, Laser power: 3 mW, Signal acquisition time: 60 s. RESULTS The result showed that the Raman spectroscopy could identify Etamsylate injection and determinate Etamsylate injection in respectively 98.29%, 97.56%, 100.21%(Specifications: 2 mL∶0.5 g)and 98.75%, 94.98%, 96.25% (Specifications: 2 mL∶0.25 g), the results of determination results with the HPLC method showed no significant difference. CONCLUSION Owing to its fast and nondestructive properties, the presented method can be developed as an analysis method for Etamsylate injection.
Key words:  Raman spectra  rapid identification and determination  Etamsylate injection