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TAN Xiangping,PAN Zhichao,MAI Yongyi,WU Minsheng,MEI Zhengrong.Meta-analysis of Bushen Medicine to Improve Ovarian Reserve and Endometrial Receptivity in Vitro Fertilization-embryo Transplantation(IVF-ET) Cycle[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2015,32(3):347-355.
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谭湘萍1, 潘智超2, 麦泳仪1, 伍敏生1, 梅峥嵘1
1.广州医科大学附属第三医院,广州 510150;2.广州医科大学,广州 510182
目的 通过Meta分析对补肾中药改善IVF-ET周期卵巢储备功能和子宫内膜容受性的机制进行科学评价,为临床治疗提供客观研究证据。方法 通过检索中国知网(2000—2014)和万方(2000—2014)等数据库有关补肾中药改善IVF患者卵巢储备功能和子宫内膜容受性的临床随机对照研究文献资料,按照纳入和排除标准选择入选文献资料,使用RevMan 5.2统计软件进行Meta分析[计数资料采用比值比(Odds Ratio,OR)分析、计量资料采用Mean Diffence分析]分析其95%的置信区间和统计得出的森林图。结果 共纳入12篇文献,试验患者均自愿接受补肾中药的治疗,并接受IVF术。通过对795名患者的获卵数、HCG注射日雌激素水平、受精率、优质胚胎率、子宫内膜厚度、子宫血脉搏动指数、子宫血脉阻力指数、临床妊娠率等数据进行Meta分析,结果显示实验组(补肾中药+西药)对改善IVF-ET周期的卵巢储备功能和子宫内膜容受性的疗效优于对照组(西药)。结论 采用补肾中药联合西药治疗的IVF患者,在改善卵巢储备功能和子宫内膜容受性的疗效上明显优于单纯西药治疗。因此,补肾中药的使用可以提高IVF患者的临床妊娠率。由于本Meta分析纳入的文献大部分是Jadad评分为3分的文献,所以支持这一结论的证据有限,期待有更多高质量的临床随机对照试验来进一步证实本研究结果。
关键词:  补肾中药  卵巢储备功能  子宫内膜容受性  体外受精胚胎移植
Meta-analysis of Bushen Medicine to Improve Ovarian Reserve and Endometrial Receptivity in Vitro Fertilization-embryo Transplantation(IVF-ET) Cycle
TAN Xiangping1, PAN Zhichao2, MAI Yongyi1, WU Minsheng1, MEI Zhengrong1
1.The Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou 510150, China;2.Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou 510182, China
OBJECTIVE To observe the mechanism of Bushen medicine improving ovarian reserve and endometrial receptivity in vitro fertilization-embryo transplantation cycle by Meta-analysis, to provide objective evidence for clinical treatment. METHODS The clinical randomized controlled researches that the Bushen medicine improve ovarian reserve and endometrial receptivity in IVF-ET cycle were searched from the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (2000?2014) and Wanfang(2000?2014) database. The qualified researches were filtrated according to inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria. The Meta-analysis was performed by RevMan 5.2 statistical software (counting data using Odds Ratio(Odds thewire, OR), measurement data using Mean Diffence). Finally, analyzing the 95% confidence interval and the forest figure. RESULTS Twelve literatures were included in this meta-analysis(795 cases ). Patients voluntarily accepted the treatment of Bushen medicine and the IVF treatment. The datas were analyzed, include the number of oocytes, estrogen level on the HCG injection day, fertilization rate, high quality embryo rate, endometrial thickness, uterine blood pulsing index and resistance index of uterine blood, clinical pregnancy rate. The result shows that the experimental group (Bushen medicine and western medicine) is better than the control group (western medicine group) in improving ovarian reserve and endometrial receptivity in IVF-ET cycle. CONCLUSION Compared with the western medicine, Bushen medicine treatment is more advantageous in improving ovarian reserve and endometrial receptivity, therefore, Buhsen medicine can improve the clinical pregnancy rate of IVF patients. Of which 10 articles were assessed as 3 score on Jadad Scale, so it is limited to support this conclusion, it is looking forward to have more high quality clinical randomized controlled trials to confirm the findings.
Key words:  Bushen medicine  ovarian reserve  endometrial receptivity  IVF-ET