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LU Xiaoyan,DAI Youqin,GONG Yanbo,REN Yanping,WANG Weihua.Analysis of the Effect of Clinical Pharmacists Intervening in Outpatient Off-label Uses[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2014,31(12):1529-1532.
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芦小燕, 戴幼琴, 龚燕波, 任燕萍, 王卫华
宁波市第二医院药学部,浙江 宁波 315010
目的 评价笔者所在医院临床药师干预门诊超说明书用药的效果。方法 回顾性统计2011年2月门诊处方超说明书用药情况,根据超说明书用药频次最高的10种药品的使用情况,进行系统评价,根据实际进行合理用药软件的设置,从而在医师开具处方时会有软件弹出警示窗口进行提醒。统计2014年2月该10种药品相同超说明书用药情况,与干预前比较。结果 除1种药品因品种调整未再使用,无法比较外,其他9种药品超说明书用药情况均有不同程度的下降。结论 经过临床药师专业的系统评价,使用合理用药软件提醒对控制医师超说明书用药的情况是有利的。
关键词:  合理用药软件  超说明书用药  系统评价  干预  临床药师
Analysis of the Effect of Clinical Pharmacists Intervening in Outpatient Off-label Uses
LU Xiaoyan, DAI Youqin, GONG Yanbo, REN Yanping, WANG Weihua
Department of Pharmacy, Ningbo No.2 Hospital, Ningbo 315010, China
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effect of clinical pharmacists intervening in outpatient off-label uses. METHODS To retrospective analyze the outpatient off-label uses in Feb. 2011, choose the top 10 medicines that off-label use to system review and install rational drug use software. The software can give a warning window to remind the doctors when they prescribe off-label use. Analyze the outpatient off-label uses in Feb. 2014 and compare to the off-label uses before the intervention. RESULTS All of the off-label uses decrease compared to the off-label use before the intervening besides one medicine was not use any more. CONCLUSION It react to the phenomenon of off-label uses with system assessing and soft reminding by clinical pharmacists.
Key words:  rational drug use software  off-label uses  system review  intervention  clinical pharmacist