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FU Chunyan,LIU Yonghui,ZENG Li,LI Jiehong,YANG Zihui,CHEN Bo.GC-MS Analysis of the Composition of the Volatile Oil from Lilii Bulbus by Supercritical-CO2 Fluid Extraction[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2015,32(6):715-718.
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傅春燕1, 刘永辉2, 曾立1, 李杰红1, 扬子辉3, 陈波3
1.邵阳医学高等专科学校,湖南 邵阳 422000;2.湖南省新邵县红十字会医院,湖南 邵阳422000;3.湖南师范大学化学生物学及中药分析教育部重点实验室,长沙 410081
目的 研究百合挥发油化学成分。方法 采用超临界CO2提取方法,GC-MS联用技术鉴定百合挥发油成分,并用峰面积归一化法测定各成分的相对百分含量。结果 超临界CO2流体萃取法提取的挥发油共鉴定出50种成分,占挥发油总成分的72.96%。结论 超临界提取百合挥发油成分多、效率高,与水蒸气蒸馏提取出的挥发油成分有差异。
关键词:  百合  挥发油  超临界提取  气相色谱-质谱联用
分类号:R931. 6; R917. 1
GC-MS Analysis of the Composition of the Volatile Oil from Lilii Bulbus by Supercritical-CO2 Fluid Extraction
FU Chunyan1, LIU Yonghui2, ZENG Li1, LI Jiehong1, YANG Zihui3, CHEN Bo3
1.Shaoyang Junior Medicine College, Shaoyang 422200, China;2.Red Cross Hospital at Xinshao County of Hunan Province, Shaoyang 422000, China;3.Key Laboratory of Chemical Biology & Traditional Chinese Medicine Research, Ministry of Education, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China
OBJECTIVE To research the volatile oil from Lilii Bulbus. METHODS The volatile oil from Lilii Bulbus was extracted by supercritical-CO2 fluid extraction(SFE) and identified by GC-MS. The relative percentage content of components was determined by the area normalization method. RESULTS 50 components of Lilii Bulbus had been identified by SFE, which accounted for above 72.96% of the total volatile oil. CONCLUSION The volatile oil by SFE had many components and high efficiency. There were differences between SPE and steam distillation.
Key words:  Lilii Bulbus  volatile oil  supercritical-CO2 fluid extraction  GC-MS