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LI Shasha,TANG Haiying,SUN Haiyan,GAO Linlin.Effect of Zoledronic Combined Salcatonin on Postmenopausal Osteoporosis Fractures[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2015,32(3):355-358.
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李莎莎, 唐海英, 孙海燕, 高林林
解放军第89医院,山东 潍坊 261021
目的 研究唑来膦酸联合鲑降钙素对绝经后骨质疏松性骨折的影响。方法 将60例绝经后脊柱压缩性骨折患者随机分为对照组和观察组,2组均口服维D钙咀嚼片,皮下注射鲑降钙素注射液,观察组在此基础上静脉滴注唑来膦酸注射液。治疗前和治疗6个月后,对所有患者进行腰锥的骨密度(BMD)测定,运用视觉模拟评分法(VAS)进行疼痛监测,用功能障碍指数(ODI)的变化来评价功能障碍改善情况。结果 治疗6个月后,与治疗前相比,2组BMD、VAS评分、ODI均有所改善,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。与对照组相比,观察组的BMD增加,ODI下降更加明显,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 唑来膦酸与鲑降钙素联合用药具有增加绝经后骨质疏松症患者BMD,减轻患者疼痛,提高患者生活质量的作用。
关键词:  骨质疏松症  唑来膦酸  鲑降钙素
Effect of Zoledronic Combined Salcatonin on Postmenopausal Osteoporosis Fractures
LI Shasha, TANG Haiying, SUN Haiyan, GAO Linlin
No. 89 Hospital of PLA, Weifang 261021, China
OBJECTIVE To study the effect of zoledronic combined salcatonin on postmenopausal osteoporosis fractures. METHODS Sixty postmenopausal women of osteoporotic spinal compression fractures were randomly divided into control group and observation group. All the patients were treated by calcium supplement with vitamin D chewable tablets and salcatonin injection. The patients of observation group were intravenously injected zoledronic injection on the basis of before. The bone mineral density(BMD) of lumbar vertebra was measured after 6 months compared to before the treatment. The visual simulation score(VAS) and Oswestry disability index (ODI) was used to assess patients pain relief and dysfunction improvement. RESULTS After treatment of 6 months, the increase of BMD , the decrease of VAS and ODI was significant compared with before the treatment(P<0.01). The increase of BMD and the decrease of ODI in observation group was significant compared with control group (P<0.05). CONCLUSION The study reveales an increase in BMD, relief from pain and improvement quality of life follwing the treatment of zoledronic combined salcatonin in postmenopausal osteoporosis fractures.
Key words:  osteoporosis  zoledronic  salcatonin