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TIAN Jie,LIU Xigang,CHANG Jinhua,LIU Pei,LI Zhongsi,LIU Liyan,LIU Cuizhe.Study on Transformation of Rhubarb Anthraquinones Constituents in the Extracting and Refining Process[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2015,32(4):424-428.
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田杰, 刘喜纲, 常金花, 刘沛, 李忠思, 刘丽艳, 刘翠哲
河北省中药研究与开发重点实验室 承德医学院中药研究所,河北 承德 067000
目的 探讨黄芩对大黄中5种蒽醌类成分在提取精制过程中相互转化的影响。方法 HPLC测定药材和提取物中5种成分的含量,比较药材和提取物中芦荟大黄素、大黄酸、大黄素、大黄酚和大黄素甲醚的相对比例;再分别用5种蒽醌的对照品加入和不加黄芩药材提取液模拟提取精制过程,考察5种蒽醌成分之间的转化情况。结果 大黄药材和提取物中5种成分的相对比例有明显变化,大黄酸在提取物中的比例增高;同时采用对照品模拟提取精制过程时各个成分并无转化,而加入黄芩药材提取液后,大黄酸经过提取精制处理后能部分转化为大黄素,其余4种成分之间无转化。结论 黄芩和大黄药材配伍提取可以使大黄蒽醌类成分发生转化。
关键词:  大黄  蒽醌  黄芩  提取  转化
Study on Transformation of Rhubarb Anthraquinones Constituents in the Extracting and Refining Process
TIAN Jie, LIU Xigang, CHANG Jinhua, LIU Pei, LI Zhongsi, LIU Liyan, LIU Cuizhe
Hebei Province Key Laboratory of Research and Development for Chinese Medicine, Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, Chengde Medical College, Chengde 067000, China
OBJECTIVE To investigate the reciprocal transformation of rhubarb five anthraquinones constituents in extracting and refining process. METHODS The method of HPLC was used to determine the content of five anthraquinones constituents in the ten batches of herbs and extracts respectively. And relative content of aloe-emodin, rhein, emodin, chrysophanol and physcion in rhubarb medicine material was compared with that in extracts of Rhubarb. Five anthraquinones reference substances were used to review the conversion between five anthraquinones constituentsin in the simulated extracting and refined process of rhubarb. RESULTS The ratio of five anthraquinones constituents in extracts had obviously changed compared with that in Rhubarb medicine material. The proportion of rhein increased in extract. But the transformation was not been found among the five reference substances. However, only rhein reference substance could partly be transformed into emodin in extracting and refined process with the addition of Scutellariae Radix extract close to Rhubarb in genetic relationship. CONCLUSION The results provide reference for the extracted and refined process of rhubarb anthraquinone study.
Key words:  Rhubarb  anthraquinones  Scutellariae Radix  extraction  constituents