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LI Chunwen,SHI Xiaolin.Clinical Study of Yiqi Wenjing Recipe in Preventing and Treating Primary Type I Osteoporotic Hip Fractures with BMD and SF-36 Quality of Life Score[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2015,32(5):592-595.
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李春雯1, 史晓林2
1.浙江中医药大学,杭州 310053;2.浙江中医药大学附属第二医院,杭州 310005
目的 通过骨密度(bone mineral density,BMD)比较、SF-36生存质量评分指标的变化来观察益气温经方(即强骨饮颗粒)治疗绝经后骨质疏松性髋部骨折的临床疗效。方法 以2013年6月—2014年8月在浙江中医药大学附属第二医院骨科的绝经后骨质疏松性髋部骨折患者为研究对象,将符合入选标准的120例患者随机分为益气温经方组、基础用药组和仙灵骨葆组,每组40例。基础用药组每日服用钙尔奇D3片和阿法骨化醇胶囊;仙灵骨葆组在基础用药组的基础上,加仙灵骨葆胶囊;益气温经方组在基础用药组的基础上,加益气温经方。经6个月治疗后,观察各组BMD和SF-36生存质量评分。结果 治疗6个月后,益气温经方组和仙灵骨葆组经治疗后BMD均有提高(P<0.05),优于基础用药组(P<0.05);益气温经方组BMD的平均增加量(2.21%)高于仙灵骨葆组(1.95%),差异无统计学意义;与基础用药组相比,2组平均变化率比较有明显差异(P<0.05)。各组治疗后各维度生存质量评分均有上升,各维度组内治疗前后比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);益气温经方组在生理功能、生理职能、活力、社会功能方面优于基础用药组(P<0.05);在躯体疼痛、总体健康、情感职能、精神健康方面,与各组间差异无统计学意义。结论 益气温经方防治绝经后骨质疏松性髋部骨折可有效提高患者的生存质量,提升其腰椎的BMD。
关键词:  益气温经方  绝经后骨质疏松症  髋部骨折  骨密度
Clinical Study of Yiqi Wenjing Recipe in Preventing and Treating Primary Type I Osteoporotic Hip Fractures with BMD and SF-36 Quality of Life Score
LI Chunwen1, SHI Xiaolin2
1.Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou 310053, China;2.The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou 310005, China
OBJECTIVE to observe the clinical efficacy of Yiqi Wenjing recipe in treating postmenopausal osteoporotic hip fractures by changing bone mineral density (BMD), SF-36 quality of life score. METHODS The postmenopausal osteoporotic hip fracture patients were objected for study, who visited the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University from June 2013 to August 2014. the 120 patients met the inclusion criteria were randomly divided into three groups, the Yiqi Wenjing recipe group, basic medication group and Xianlinggubao group, 40 cases in each group. Basic medication group given Calcium Carbonate Chewable D3 1.0 g and alfacalcidol capsules everyday; Xianlinggubao group was based on basic medication group to plus Xianlinggubao capsule; Yiqi Wenjing recipe group was based on basic medication group to plus Yiqi Wenjing recipe. All of the groups gave 6 months treatment. measured bone mineral density (BMD), SF-36 quality of life score. RESULTS After 6 months of treatment, the BMD of Yiqi Wenjing recipe group and Xianlinggubao group were both increased slightly(P<0.05), which were both had advantage over basic medication group(P<0.05). However, there were significant differences in the two groups compared the average rate of change(P<0.05); the average increase in BMD with Yiqi Wenjing recipe group (2.21%) were higher than the Xianlinggubao group (1.95%). In all groups after treatment, all dimensions of quality of life score increased significantly(P<0.05). Four dimensions including the physiological function, vitality, physiological function, social function in Yiqi Wenjing recipe group were improved obviously than basic medication group(P<0.05). while four dimensions including somatic pain, mental health, emotional functioning, general health had no significant difference compared with other groups. CONCLUSION Yiqi Wenjing recipe in preventing and treating of postmenopausal osteoporotic hip fractures can effectively improve the quality of life, promote the BMD.
Key words:  Yiqi Wenjing recipe  postmenopausal osteoporosis  hip fracture  bone mineral density(BMD)