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YANG Xiaoyan,ZHAO Jing,SHI Jing,TANG Jun.Visualized Analysis on Studies of Off-label Drug Use in Children[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2015,32(5):620-625.
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杨晓燕, 赵静, 石晶, 唐军
四川大学华西第二医院儿科,成都 610041
目的 采用共词分析法对近5年来国内外儿童超说明书用药的研究现状进行可视化分析,展现该领域的研究情况,描绘儿童超说明书用药的研究趋势,为未来的研究提示可能的方向。方法 于2014年8月分别以主题词“儿童”及“超说明书用药”在CNKI数据库、以主题词“pediatric”及“off-label drug”在MEDLINE数据库进行文献检索及筛选,提取文献高频关键词并使用Excel 2013建立共现矩阵,使用Ucinet 6.2绘制可视化网络。结果 初步建立国内外儿科超说明书用药研究现状的可视化网络,反映了近年来该研究领域的热点及现状。结论 国内外儿童超说明书用药的现象都较常见。我国对儿童超说明书用药的关注始于近3年;而国外对于儿童超说明书的关注时间较长,研究范围覆盖广,且已有针对超说明书用药的临床试验。现阶段国内外都急需要对儿童超说明书用药进行规范化管理,及时进行相关临床试验以更新说明书关于儿童用药的部分,保证儿童患者的用药安全。
关键词:  儿童  超说明书用药  共词分析  可视化研究
Visualized Analysis on Studies of Off-label Drug Use in Children
YANG Xiaoyan, ZHAO Jing, SHI Jing, TANG Jun
Department of Pediatrics, West China Second Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China
OBJECTIVE to visualizationally analysis the current condition of studies on off-label drug use in children in the last five years, to describe the probable research trends, and to provide the possible research goals in future by using co-word analysis of keywords. METHODS CNKI database and the MEDLINE database were searched respectively in Auguest 2014, using keywords “pediatric” and “off-label drug”. Then the Chinese and English high-frenqency keywords were used to build relation matrix by Excel 2013. Visulazed network was finally drawn in Ucinet 6.2. RESULTS The visualized network, successfully built by Netdraw, reflected the hot topics and current condition in this field in the past five years. CONCLUSION Off-label drug use is very common in children. In China, eyes were cast on off-label drug use in children since the last three years. Reasearchers in abroad paid attention to this field much earlier, and their studies have included different aspects of off-label drug use. Meanwhile, clinical trials of off-label drug use in children are done. For the safety use of drugs in children, standardized management is urgently needed all over the world, and clinical trials of pediatric pharmacology should be done to update the information of drug labels.
Key words:  pediatrics  off-label drug use  co-word analysis  visualized analysis