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DANG Zechun,LIAO Xiaoqiong,YUAN Xiaohong.Preparation and Molecular Recognition Capability of Chromatographic Column of Valsartan- molecularly Imprinted Polymer[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2015,32(10):1210-1214.
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党泽春1, 廖晓琼1, 袁小红1,2
1.广州中医药大学第二附属医院,广州 510120;2.广东省中医药科学院,广州 510006
目的 采用高效液相色谱法考察缬沙坦分子印迹聚合物的分子识别能力。方法 制备缬沙坦分子印迹聚合物色谱柱;考察在不同的流动相中分子印迹聚合物对缬沙坦的分子识别能力及在相同流动相中聚合物对缬沙坦和其他化合物的色谱表征。结果 以甲醇为流动相,缬沙坦分子印迹聚合物对缬沙坦表现出非常强的亲和力,有很好的印迹效率;对绿原酸也有很好的印迹效果。容量因子值随流动相中极性溶剂含量的增加而减小,以甲醇-醋酸(7∶3)为流动相时,聚合物对缬沙坦的印迹效应消失。结论 缬沙坦分子印迹聚合物对缬沙坦具有良好的选择性,对绿原酸也有很好的印迹作用,因此可用于筛选中药提取物中与缬沙坦大小相近、结构或功能基团相似的化合物。
关键词:  缬沙坦  分子印迹聚合物  分子识别  绿原酸
Preparation and Molecular Recognition Capability of Chromatographic Column of Valsartan- molecularly Imprinted Polymer
DANG Zechun1, LIAO Xiaoqiong1, YUAN Xiaohong1,2
1.The Second Affiliated Hospital, Guangzhou University of TCM, Guangzhou 510120, China;2.Guangdong Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Guangzhou 510006, China
OBJECTIVE To explore the molecule recognition capability of valsartan-molecularly imprinted polymer(Val-MIP) by HPLC. METHODS The chromatographic column of Val-MIP was synthesized by using valsartan as the template. Chromatographic performance of valsartan was investigated in different mobile phases. The Val-MIP was investigated for the recognition of valsartan and other compounds in the same mobile phase. RESULTS The Val-MIP exhibited high affinity for valsartan in the mobile phase of methanol and had good selectivity for valsartan and chlorogenic acid. The K’ value reduced as the content of polar solvent increased in the mobile phase. The Val-MIP had no selectivity in the mobile phase of methanol-acetic acid(7∶3). CONCLUSION The Val-MIP has good selectivity for valsartan and chlorogenic acid acid. The Val-MIP can be used for extracting analogs of valsartan from herbs.
Key words:  valsartan  molecularly imprinted polymer  molecule recognition  chlorogenic acid