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SONG Mingfen,ZHANG Long,DONG Jiezheng,CHEN Haiping,TAO Yunhai,ZHU Chunyan,WANG Shengdong,SHI Jianfei.Association Study Between Olanzapine Effect and Plasma BDNF in Schizophrenia Patients with Positive or Negative Symptoms[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2015,32(11):1388-1392.
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宋明芬1, 章隆1, 董介正2, 陈海萍2, 陶云海2, 朱春燕2, 王晟东1, 施剑飞2
1.杭州市第七人民医院分子生物学实验室,杭州 310013;2.杭州市第七人民医院精神科,杭州 310013
目的 研究阳性症状和阴性症状精神分裂症患者奥氮平治疗前后血浆BDNF水平的变化。方法 按入组和排除标准分别募集阳性、阴性症状精神分裂症患者以及健康对照,2组精神分裂症患者均接受奥氮平治疗,治疗前后PANSS量表得分变化评价奥氮平治疗效果,ELISA法测定病例组治疗前后以及对照组血浆BDNF水平,并比较差异。结果 阳性症状精神分裂症患者治疗前后PANSS得分与血浆BDNF水平均呈显著负相关(P<0.01);治疗前血浆BDNF明显低于对照组(P<0.01);奥氮平治疗效果为好或中的患者,治疗后血浆BDNF水平比治疗前显著升高(P<0.01),而治疗无效的患者,治疗前后血浆BDNF差异无统计学意义。阴性症状患者奥氮平治疗前后PANSS得分与血浆BDNF水平均无明显相关性,且治疗前后血浆BDNF水平差异无统计学意义。结论 血浆BDNF可作为判断阳性症状精神分裂症患者奥氮平治疗是否有效的参考指标。
关键词:  精神分裂症  阳性症状  阴性症状  血浆BDNF  奥氮平
Association Study Between Olanzapine Effect and Plasma BDNF in Schizophrenia Patients with Positive or Negative Symptoms
SONG Mingfen1, ZHANG Long1, DONG Jiezheng2, CHEN Haiping2, TAO Yunhai2, ZHU Chunyan2, WANG Shengdong1, SHI Jianfei2
1.Hangzhou Seventh People’s Hospital, Molecular Biology Laboratory, Hangzhou 310013, China;2.Hangzhou Seventh People’s Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, Hangzhou 310013, China
OBJECTIVE To study the plasma BDNF levels in schizophrenia patients with positive or negative symptoms before and after olanzapine treatment. METHODS Schizophrenia patients with positive symptoms, schizophrenia patients with negative symptoms and healthy controls were recruited based on the criteria of inclusion and exclusion. The two groups of patients received olanzapine treatment. Positive and negative syndrome scale (PANSS) questionnaire was used to estimate the response to olanzapine treatment. Plasma BDNF levels from the healthy controls and two groups of schizophrenia patients before and after olanzapine treatment were determined by ELISA method. RESULTS Significant negative correlations were obtained between PANSS scores and plasma BDNF levels both before and after olanzapine treatment in the patients with positive symptoms(P<0.01). In this group, plasma BDNF levels before olanzapine treatment were significantly lower than those of healthy controls. Furthermore, good or median response to olanzapine treatment had obviously increase in plasma BDNF levels when compared to those before treatment, while BDNF levels were not enhanced significantly in treatment-resistant patients. Neither significant change of plasma BDNF levels nor significant correlation between PANSS scores and plasma BDNF levels was observed in schizophrenia patients with the negative symptoms before and after olanzapine treatment. CONCLUSION Plasma BDNF could serve as the index of treatment response of olanzapine in schizophrenia patients with the positive symptoms.
Key words:  schizophrenia  positive symptoms  negative symptoms  plasma BDNF  olazapine