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HE Zhifen,TANG Zhan,YIN Lina,WANG Shenghao,JIN Zhimin,WANG Qiao.Transdermal Permeation of Oxymatrine Gel in Vitro and Its Pharmacokinetics in Rats[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2015,32(11):1336-1342.
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何治芬1,2, 汤湛1, 尹丽娜1, 王胜浩1, 金志敏2, 王俏1
1.浙江省医学科学院药物研究所,杭州 310013;2.浙江工业大学药学院,杭州 310014
目的 研究氧化苦参碱凝胶的体外经皮渗透影响因素,并对其在大鼠体内的药动学进行研究。方法 采用Valia-Chien 双室扩散池,以大鼠离体皮肤为渗透屏障,HPLC测定氧化苦参碱浓度,以药物累积渗透量为指标,对药物及渗透促进剂的浓度进行筛选。结果 氧化苦参碱经皮凝胶的最优处方12 h累积渗透量为(18.094±1.253)mg·cm-2,大鼠静注与经皮给药的血浆药动学研究表明,经皮给药的AUC(0-t)是注射给药的1.9倍(P<0.01)。结论 氧化苦参碱凝胶的经皮吸收能力良好,能长时间持续释放药物,有望成为新的给药剂型。
关键词:  氧化苦参碱  凝胶  水溶性氮酮  经皮渗透  药动学
Transdermal Permeation of Oxymatrine Gel in Vitro and Its Pharmacokinetics in Rats
HE Zhifen1,2, TANG Zhan1, YIN Lina1, WANG Shenghao1, JIN Zhimin2, WANG Qiao1
1.Institute of Materia Medica, Zhejiang Academy of Medical Sciences, Hangzhou 310013, China;2.College of Pharmacy, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014, China
OBJECTIVE To investigate in vitro transdermal permeation ability of oxymatrine gel and its pharmacokinetics in rats. METHODS The skin permeation ability of oxymatrine was evaluated by using Valia-Chien permeation cells with isolated rat skin. The concentration of drug was determined by HPLC. The preparation formulation of the gel was optimized which took the permeation amount as the index. RESULTS The accumulative permeation amount of the optimal formulation of gel was (18.094±1.253)mg·cm-2 in 12 h. The pharmacokinetic parameters showed that the AUC(0-t) of transdermal administration was 1.9 times of iv adminirtration. CONCLUSION Oxymatrine gel has good absorption and long-time substained release, it can be developed as a novel transdermal preparation.
Key words:  oxymatrine  gel  water-soluble azone  transdermal  pharmacokinetics