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XIONG Qing,WANG Xiaoping,LU Mengxia,HUANG Juan,TONG Shengqiang.Progress on Enantioselective Liquid-Liquid Extraction[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2015,32(11):1408-1413.
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熊晴1, 王小平1, 鲁梦霞1, 黄娟2, 童胜强1
1.浙江工业大学,杭州 310032;2.浙江省兽药饲料监察所,杭州 310020
目的 介绍液液平衡手性萃取拆分技术的基本原理,总结近年来液液平衡手性萃取拆分的研究进展。方法 根据手性选择剂的分类,对近年来液液平衡手性萃取拆分的最新应用研究情况做了介绍。结果 总结归纳了5大类手性选择剂的应用,包括过渡金属络合物、酒石酸衍生物、冠醚类、β-环糊精衍生物及金鸡纳碱类,并简要介绍了液液萃取拆分相关模型研究。结论 液液平衡手性萃取拆分技术分离效果良好,适用性强,易于实现工业规模,有望成为制备型分离外消旋体化合物的先进技术。
关键词:  液液平衡手性萃取拆分  手性分离  手性试剂  研究进展
Progress on Enantioselective Liquid-Liquid Extraction
XIONG Qing1, WANG Xiaoping1, LU Mengxia1, HUANG Juan2, TONG Shengqiang1
1.Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310032, China;2.Zhejiang Province Institute of Veterinary Drug and Feed Control, Hangzhou 310020, China
OBJECTIVE To introduce the principle of enantioselective liquid-liquid extraction, and to review the progress on enantioselective liquid-liquid extraction in recent years. METHODS The recent progress on enantioselective liquid-liquid extraction was systematically reviewed according to the classification of chiral selectors. RESULTS Five typical types of chiral selector were summarized, including transitional metal complexes, tartaric acid derivatives, crown ethers, β-cyclodextrin derivatives and cinchona alkaloids. Meanwhile, studies on modeling and reaction kinetics of this technique were mentioned. CONCLUSION Enantioselective liquid-liquid extraction is an ideal resolution technology for preparative enantioseparation of racemates due to its high separation efficiency and ease-to-be scaled up characteristics.
Key words:  enantioselective liquid-liquid extraction  chiral separation  chiral selector  progress