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JIANG Shanshan,LI Yongsheng,TU Yingqiu,HUANG Shengwu.Preparation of Venenum Bufonis Sustained-release Pellets and Its Release Mechanism in Vitro[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2015,32(9):1103-1106.
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蒋杉杉, 李永盛, 涂颖秋, 黄绳武
浙江中医药大学药学院,杭州 310053
目的 对蟾酥缓释微丸形态及体外释放机制进行初步研究。方法 采用挤出滚圆法制备蟾酥缓释微丸,采用X射线粉末衍射法研究药物与粉末的配伍相容性;采用扫描电镜法观察制剂表面微观状态;通过模型方程拟合探讨蟾酥缓释微丸的释药机制。结果 辅料对蟾酥提取物的存在形式无明显影响;随着溶出时间的增加,蟾酥缓释微丸饱和度下降,包衣膜多重损坏;药物释放曲线符合Higuchi方程。结论 制备的蟾酥缓释微丸具有较好的缓释效果。
关键词:  蟾酥缓释微丸  X射线粉末衍射法  扫描电镜法  释药机制
Preparation of Venenum Bufonis Sustained-release Pellets and Its Release Mechanism in Vitro
JIANG Shanshan, LI Yongsheng, TU Yingqiu, HUANG Shengwu
Pharmaceutical College, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou 310053, China
OBJECTIVE To study the form of Venenum Bufonis sustained-release pellets and its release mechanism in vitro. METHODS Venenum Bufonis sustained-release pellets were prepared by extrusion-spheronization method. Using the X-ray powder diffraction method to study drug compatibility with powder of compatibility. Preparation surface microscopic was observed by a scanning electron microscope method. Release mechanism of Venenum Bufonis sustained-release pellets was established by equation fitting. RESULTS Excipient had no obvious effect on the existence form of extracts of Venenum Bufonis. with the increase of dissolution time, coating film of Venenum Bufonis sustained-release pellets desaturationed and multiple damaged. Drug release curve conformed to Higuchi equation. CONCLUSION The Venenum Bufonis sustained-release pellets show good sustained-release effect.
Key words:  Venenum Bufonis sustained-release pellets  X-ray powder diffraction method  scanning electron microscopy (SEM) method  release mechanism