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MA Kuifen,ZHANG Xingguo,WANG Rongrong,MEI Yanhong,YANG Zhihai,RAO Yuefeng,ZHAO Qingwei.Analysis of Clinical Pharmacy Based on the Data Applying for National Clinical Key Subject[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2016,33(1):94-97.
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马葵芬, 张幸国, 王融溶, 梅彦红, 杨志海, 饶跃峰, 赵青威
浙江大学医学院附属第一医院,杭州 310003
目的 分析2013—2014年临床药学国家临床重点专科申报材料的公示数据,了解我国临床药学科研工作开展情况。方法 收集各单位申报2013—2014年国家临床重点专科公示材料,提取其中科研相关数据进行统计和分析。结果 全国共计89家医院申报的2013—2014年临床药学国家临床重点专科,在2010—2012年期间共计发表各类科研论文5 801篇,开展各类科研项目1 038项,专项科研经费投入7 800余万元,开展的研究方向主要集中在新药与临床、合理用药、药物分析、药品供应和管理、医院制剂及药物不良反应等方面。结论 科研工作是学科建设的核心内容之一。目前我国医院临床药学学科科研发展呈现良好态势。
关键词:  国家临床重点专科  临床药学  科研
Analysis of Clinical Pharmacy Based on the Data Applying for National Clinical Key Subject
MA Kuifen, ZHANG Xingguo, WANG Rongrong, MEI Yanhong, YANG Zhihai, RAO Yuefeng, ZHAO Qingwei
The First Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310003, China
OBJECTIVE To investigate the current situation of clinical pharmacy scientific research through analyzing the public data applying for the National Clinical Key Specialty from 2013 to 2014. METHODS The relevant scientific research data from all the hospitals applying for the National Clinical Key Specialty were extracted and categorized. Based on the data, the developing level and strategies for current clinical pharmacy scientific research were evaluated. RESULTS During 2010 to 2012, 5 801 articles had been published and 1 038 different research projects had been carried out in the 89 hospitals applying for the second batch of National Clinical Key Specialty. The total research fund summed up 78 millions. The main research topics could be categorized into following classes: new drugs and clinical study, rational drug use, drug utilization analysis, drug supply and management, hospital preparations, and adverse drug reaction. CONCLUSION The scientific research is one of the core contents for academic discipline building. The clinical pharmacy scientific research showed a good developing tendency for hospital pharmacy.
Key words:  national clinical key subject  clinical pharmacy  scientific research