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LUO Sucai,FENG Ying,XU Qiang.Optimization of Determination and Inspection Method of Dendrobii Officinalis Caulis and Its Comparation with Different Areas[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2016,33(5):568-572.
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罗素菜, 冯瑛, 徐强
浙江省中药研究所,杭州 310023
目的 优化药典中甘露糖含量测定及甘露糖与葡萄糖面积比的色谱条件,同时比较浙江省不同产地铁皮石斛药材质量,为铁皮石斛适宜产地的选择提供依据。方法 以中国药典2010年版中铁皮石斛甘露糖含量测定方法为基础,对色谱条件进行优化,并用优化后的方法对不同产地铁皮石斛药材质量进行分析比较。结果 优化后的色谱条件:Diamonsil C18(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm),以乙腈(A)-0.02 mol·L-1的乙酸铵溶液(B)为流动相,梯度洗脱(0~60 min,14%A;60~61 min,14%→25%A;61~69 min,25%;69~70 min,25%→14%A;70→80 min,14%A),流速为1.0 mL·min-1,检测波长为250?nm,柱温为30 ℃,进样量为10 μL。优化后的方法实现了PMP(1-苯基-3-甲基-5-吡唑啉酮)与甘露糖,PMP与样品杂质,盐酸氨基葡萄糖与样品杂质的基线分离。浙江省不同产地铁皮石斛药材在甘露糖含量及检查项比值上有一定的差异,其中富阳铁皮石斛的甘露糖含量最高,为40.8%,萧山铁皮石斛甘露糖与葡萄糖比值最高,为3.9。结论 该方法重复性好,结果准确可靠,可以用于铁皮石斛药材的质量控制。浙江省内不同产地的铁皮石斛质量存在一定的差异,其中建德最适宜人工栽培。
关键词:  铁皮石斛  甘露糖  含量测定  优化
Optimization of Determination and Inspection Method of Dendrobii Officinalis Caulis and Its Comparation with Different Areas
LUO Sucai, FENG Ying, XU Qiang
Zhejiang Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou 310023, China
OBJECTIVE To optimize the chromatographic conditions in the determination and inspection method of Dendrobii Officinalis Caulis in Chinese Pharmacopoeia, and to compare the quality of its produced from different areas. METHODS Based on the contend of Dendrobii Officinalis Caulis from ChP. 2010 to optimize the chromatographic conditions. RESULTS The analyses were performed on Diamonsil C18 columns(250 mm×4.6 mm, 5 μm) with the gradient elution (0~60 min, 14%A; 60~61 min, 14%→25%A; 61~69 min, 25%; 69~70 min, 25%→14%A; 70~80 min, 14%A) of acetamide(A)- 0.02 mol·L-1 acetonitrile(B) aqueous at a flow rate of 1.0 mL·min-1. The detection wavelength was set at 250 nm, and the column temperature was controlled at 30 ℃. The injection volume was 10 μL. PMP (1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone) and mannose, PMP and impurity peak, internal standard and impurity peak were all separated successfully using the optimized method. Dendrobii Officinalis Caulis produced from different areas in Zhejiang Province had difference in the content of mannose and inspection item. The content of mannose was the highest(40.8%) in Dendrobii Officinalis Caulis produced from Fuyang. The ratio of inspection item was the the highest(3.9) from Xiaoshan. CONCLUSION The optimized method which is reproducible and accurate reliable can be used for the quality control of Dendrobii Officinalis Caulis. The content of monnose in Dendrobii Officinalis Caulis producted from different areas in Zhejiang Province has difference in quality and that produced from Jiande is the best.
Key words:  Dendrobii Officinalis Caulis  mannose  determination  optimize