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LI Min,SUN Yang’en,ZHANG Lu,WANG Chunyan,ZHAO Tingting,LI Li.Studies on Extraction and Inclusion Process for Volatile Oil in Cinnamomi Cortex with β-Cyclodextrin[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2016,33(9):1124-1126.
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李民, 孙阳恩, 张路, 王春艳, 赵婷婷, 李丽
东阿阿胶股份有限公司,国家胶类中药工程技术研究中心,山东 聊城 252201
目的 研究黄连阿胶胶囊肉桂中挥发油的提取与包合工艺。方法 采用正交试验,以挥发油提取量为指标,优化最佳的提取工艺;以挥发油包合物得率为指标,考察影响挥发油包合工艺主要因素。结果 最佳提取工艺为饮片加水8倍量,浸泡2 h,提取4 h;最佳包合工艺为挥发油与β-环糊精比例为1∶6,加入溶剂量为1.5倍量,胶体碾磨时间为25 min。结论 优选出的工艺合理、可行。
关键词:  肉桂  挥发油  β-环糊精  提取  包合
Studies on Extraction and Inclusion Process for Volatile Oil in Cinnamomi Cortex with β-Cyclodextrin
LI Min, SUN Yang’en, ZHANG Lu, WANG Chunyan, ZHAO Tingting, LI Li
Dong-E E-Jiao Co., Ltd, National Engineering Technology Research Center of Rubber Medicine, Liaocheng 252201, China
OBJECTIVE To study the extraction and the inclusion process of volatile oil from Cinnamomi Cortex in Huanglian Ejiao Capsule. METHODS The extraction of volatile oil was assessed to optimize the best extraction processes with oahogonal design. The study investigated the leading factors for the inclusion process with the inclusion complex yield as examining indexes. RESULTS The optimal process for volatile oil extraction was adding 8 times of water, soaking 2 h and extracting 4 h. The best inclusion conditions were as follows: the ratio of volatile oil to β-cyclodextrin CD being 1∶6, adding 1.5 times solvent, milling 25 min. CONCLUSION The optimized process is reasonable, reliable and suitable.
Key words:  Cinnamomi Cortex  volatile oil  β-cyclodextrin  extraction  inclusion