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ZHU Suyan,XU Ping,LIU Yao,CHEN Jiangfei.Effect of PDCA Model Combined with Information Technology on Rational Use of Human Albumin[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2016,33(3):342-345.
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朱素燕, 徐萍, 刘瑶, 陈江飞
宁波市第一医院,浙江 宁波 315010
目的 探讨利用PDCA循环结合信息化管理对合理使用人血白蛋白的可行性和必要性。方法 采取PDCA循环的管理方法,通过合理用药管理软件设置人血白蛋白合理使用的管控规则,并定期开展专项点评, 加强对医务人员的宣传培训, 并分析实施PDCA循环管理前后各项用药指标和效果。结果 人血白蛋白的消耗量由干预前的57 270 g下降至27 200 g,人血白蛋白使用人次由原来的567人次下降至359人次,下降了36.7%,用药持续时间>5 d的人次由211人次下降至116人次,下降了45.0%。结论 充分运用计算机信息技术设置管控规则,同时利用PDCA循环的管理方法可使人血白蛋白的合理使用得到持续性的提高。
关键词:  人血白蛋白  合理用药  PDCA 循环  信息技术
Effect of PDCA Model Combined with Information Technology on Rational Use of Human Albumin
ZHU Suyan, XU Ping, LIU Yao, CHEN Jiangfei
Ningbo First Hospital, Ningbo 315010, China
OBJECTIVE To investigate the application and feasibility of the PDCA cycle theory combined with information technology in the continuous improvement of human albumin rational use. METHODS PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, and Action) model was applied to establish a management strategy for rational use of human albumin. The components of the management model included implanting control rules of albumin dose and dosage by software, strengthening the surveillance of albumin usage regularly, providing educational program for physician. The data was analysed and compared before and after the strategy executed. RESULTS The consumption of albumin decreased form 57 270 g to 27 200 g, the number of patients using albumin decreased from 567 to 359(a drop of 36.7%) simultaneously, the number of patients that using albumin more than 5 days declined from 211 to 116(a drop of 45.0%). CONCLUSION Management strategy based on PDCA model combined with information technology could make continuous improvement of rational use of albumin.
Key words:  human albumin  rational usage  PDCA model  information technology