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LIU Jing,RU Aizhong,NI Jianfeng,LI Lanxia,DU Bairong.Influence of the Implementation of Hospital Basis Drugs System on Rational Usage of Drugs by PDCA Circulation Management Method[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2016,33(5):667-670.
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刘静1, 茹爱忠2, 倪建峰3, 李兰霞4, 杜柏荣5
1.酒泉市人民医院药剂科,甘肃 酒泉 735000;2.酒泉市人民医院药剂科,甘肃 酒泉 735001;3.酒泉市人民医院药剂科,甘肃 酒泉 735002;4.酒泉市人民医院药剂科,甘肃 酒泉 735003;5.酒泉市人民医院药剂科,甘肃 酒泉 735004
目的 探讨PDCA循环管理方法在医院基本药物管理中的应用及其对合理用药的影响。方法 通过制定和推行一系列国家基本药物制度的落实方案及措施,运用PDCA循环原理策略加强各项干预计划的落实,考察实施后医院基本药物使用情况及合理用药的变化情况。结果 经过PDCA循环管理后,医院基本药物品种遴选比例、基本药物临床配备率、基本药物使用率、基本药物使用金额比分别由2013年的54.5%,32.4%,23.0%,17.6%上升为2015年上半年的75.07%,45.25%,45.57%,29.29%;医院药占比由2013年的40.12%下降至36.67%,临床用药合理性不断提高。结论 PDCA循环有效促进了医院基本药物优先、合理使用。
关键词:  PDCA循环  基本药物制度  合理用药
Influence of the Implementation of Hospital Basis Drugs System on Rational Usage of Drugs by PDCA Circulation Management Method
LIU Jing1, RU Aizhong2, NI Jianfeng3, LI Lanxia4, DU Bairong5
1.Department of Pharmacy, Jiuquan People’s Hospital, Jiuquan 735000, China;2.Department of Pharmacy, Jiuquan People’s Hospital, Jiuquan 735001, China;3.Department of Pharmacy, Jiuquan People’s Hospital, Jiuquan 735002, China;4.Department of Pharmacy, Jiuquan People’s Hospital, Jiuquan 735003, China;5.Department of Pharmacy, Jiuquan People’s Hospital, Jiuquan 735004, China
OBJECTIVE to study the application of PDCA circulation management method in the basic drugs management of hospital and its influence on the rational usage of drugs. METHODS formulate and promote a series of implementation plans and measures about national basic drugs system, adopt PDCA circulation principle and strategy to strengthen the implementation of all intervention plans, inspect the basic drug usage situation of hospital and the change in the rational usage of drugs after the implementation. RESULTS after the adoption of PDCA circulation management, the proportion of the selection of basic clinical drug types, the equipping rate of clinical drugs, the usage rate of basic drugs and the usage amount of basic drugs from 54.5%, 32.4%, 23.0% and 17.6% respectively in 2013, raised to 75.07%, 45.25%, 45.57% and 29.29% at the first half of 2015; the proportion of hospital medicine fell to 36.67% from 40.12% in 2013, indicated the rationality of clinical drugs usage had improved?continually. CONCLUSION the PDCA circulation management method can effectively give priority to the rational use of basic drugs in hospital.
Key words:  PDCA circulation  usage system of basic drug  rational usage of drugs