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HU Jieru,LUO Songmei,TIAN Weiqiang,SHEN Xiao,ZHU Yayan.Rationality Evaluation in Clinical Use of Structured Triglyceride[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2016,33(7):940-944.
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胡洁茹, 骆松梅, 田伟强, 沈宵, 朱雅艳
丽水市中心医院,浙江 丽水 323000
目的 评价住院患者结构脂肪乳注射液(structured triglyceride,STG)的临床应用情况,以促进其合理应用。方法 制定STG用药评价标准,采用回顾性分析方法,对STG的适应证、禁忌证、用法用量等进行合理性分析。结果 共抽查2015年4月1日—5月31日使用STG住院患者368例,STG使用适应证合理率为60.60%,使用无禁忌证占86.96%,使用量合理率占84.24%,其他尚存在联合用药不合理(93.48%)、用药监测与给药滴速不规范等现象。结论 本院临床使用STG不合理情况比较明显,医院应制定STG使用规范,加强用药干预,以改善STG不合理使用现状。
关键词:  结构脂肪乳  用药合理性  肠外营养
Rationality Evaluation in Clinical Use of Structured Triglyceride
HU Jieru, LUO Songmei, TIAN Weiqiang, SHEN Xiao, ZHU Yayan
Lishui Central Hospital, Lishui 323000, China
OBJECTIVE To investigate the clinical application and enhance rational use of structured triglyceride(STG). METHODS This is a retrospective study using formulated STG usage evaluation standard to analysis the application rationality of STG in indications, contraindications, usage and dosage, etc. RESULTS Totally of 368 hospitalized patients administrated with STG were randomly collected from April 1 to May 31st in 2015. The rates of rational use in indications, no contraindications, and dosage were 60.60%, 86.96% and 84.24%, respectively. In addition, other irrational phenomena were also existed, such as irrational use in combination medication (rate 93.48%), inappropriate monitoring and dripping speed in STG transfusion. CONCLUSION The irrational phenomena of STG usage were clearly evident in our hospital. Thus, establishing standardized usage guideline for STG and strengthening the drug intervention is urgently needed to improve the current irrational usage situation of STG.
Key words:  structured triglyceride  rationality of drug use  parenteral nutrition