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FAN Lei,YU Le,YU Huali,CHEN Zhangjin,LI Shuifu.Determination of Three Triterpenoid Acid in Ganoderma and Its Characteristic Chromatograms[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2016,33(8):1040-1045.
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范蕾, 余乐, 余华丽, 陈张金, 李水福
丽水市食品药品与质量技术检验检测院,浙江 丽水 323000
目的 建立测定灵芝中灵芝三萜含量及特征图谱的方法。方法 采用高效液相色谱法,色谱柱为Agilent-SB C18(250?mm×4.6 mm,5 μm),流动相为乙腈(A)-0.1%冰醋酸(B)(30∶70),梯度洗脱(0~20 min A 30%→40%),流速为1.0 mL·min-1,柱温30 ℃,检测波长为254 nm。利用相似度评价系统进行指纹图谱相似度计算。结果 灵芝中灵芝三萜类成分较高,灵芝指纹图谱相似度达到0.93以上。结论 灵芝中灵芝三萜类成分含量高,特征图谱方法稳定、重现性好,可用于灵芝的质量控制。
关键词:  灵芝  三萜  特征图谱
Determination of Three Triterpenoid Acid in Ganoderma and Its Characteristic Chromatograms
FAN Lei, YU Le, YU Huali, CHEN Zhangjin, LI Shuifu
Lishui Institute for Food and Drug and Quality Technology Inspection, Lishui 323000, China
OBJECTIVE To establish determination method for triterpenoid content in Ganoderma and study its of characteristic chromatograms. METHODS HPLC was applied with the chromatographic condition as follows: the chromatographic column was Agilent Zorbax SB-C18(250 mm×4.6 mm, 5 μm) at 30 ℃; mobile phase was acetonitrile-0.1% glacial acetic acid (30∶70); flow rate was 1.0 mL·min-1, the detection wavelength was 254 nm. Using the similarity evaluation system for fingerprint similarity calculation. RESULTS Ganoderma triterpene component was high, Ganoderma fingerprint similarity was above 0.93. CONCLUSION Ganoderma triterpene component content in Ganoderma is high, the characteristic chromatograms method is stable, good reproducibility, and can be used for quality control of Ganoderma.
Key words:  Ganoderma  triterpene component  characteristic chromatograms