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XU Hongyan,CHEN Saizhen,XU Lijun,XU Shanshan.Preparation and in Vitro Permeation of Edaravone Gel[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2016,33(6):752-755.
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徐红燕, 陈赛贞, 徐利君, 徐珊珊
台州市中心医院药剂科,浙江 台州 318000
目的 考察依达拉奉凝胶体外经皮渗透性,筛选凝胶剂最佳处方。方法 采用Valin-Chien双室渗透扩散池,以大鼠离体皮肤为渗透屏障,以HPLC测定依达拉奉的浓度,考察含药量、月桂氮(艹卓)酮用量、环糊精的型号和含量对依达拉奉凝胶剂经皮渗透性的影响。结果 凝胶剂最佳处方为6%依达拉奉、10%月桂氮(艹卓)酮、10% β-环糊精、2%羧甲基纤维素钠,依达拉奉12 h累积渗透量平均值为(501.95±27.59)μg·cm-2,渗透速率平均值为(42.25±7.39)μg·cm-2·h-1。结论 依达拉奉凝胶剂具有较好的经皮渗透特性,有望成为新的给药制剂。
关键词:  依达拉奉  凝胶  环糊精  月桂氮䓬酮  经皮渗透
Preparation and in Vitro Permeation of Edaravone Gel
XU Hongyan, CHEN Saizhen, XU Lijun, XU Shanshan
Department of Pharmacy, Taizhou Central Hospital, Taizhou 318000, China
OBJECTIVE To prepare edaravone transdermal gel and to study its permeation ability in vitro. METHODS The skin permeation ability was evaluated by Valian-Chien permeation cells with isolated rat skin. The concentration of edaravone in samples was determined by HPLC to study the effect of different drug content, laurocapram amount, type and content of the cyclodextrin. RESULTS The optimal form ulation was composed with 6% edaravone, 10% laurocapram, 10% β-cyclodextrin, and 2% sodium carboxymethyl cellulose. The accumulative permeation amount of the gel was (501.95±27.59)μg·cm-2 in 12 h, and the permeation rate was (42.25±7.39)μg·cm-2·h-1. CONCLUSION Edaravone gel prepared in the study would be developed as a novel transdermal preparation.
Key words:  edaravone  gel  cyclodextrin  laurocapram  transdermal permeation