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CHENG Jiangxue,XIAO Shiying,LIU Tonghua.Regularity of TCM Extract Combination in Preventing and Treating Liver System Diseases - Based on Analysis of Patents in Force[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2016,33(8):1086-1091.
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程江雪1, 肖诗鹰1,2, 刘铜华1
1.北京中医药大学,北京 100102;2.中国生物技术发展中心,北京 100036
目的 探索有效专利中防治肝系病的中药提取物组合的组合规律,为缓解用药压力、扩充新的药用资源提供依据,为中药研发企业的新药自主研发提供思路与参考。方法 以2015年1月1日之前公开授权的防治肝系病的中药提取物组合的相关有效专利为研究对象,分别运用频数分析法与聚类分析法对其核心药物及其所属科别的组成、功效、归经及其配伍进行统计分析。结果与结论 有效专利中防治肝系病的中药提取物组合涉及高频中药(丹参、黄芪、川芎、茵陈蒿等)与高频科别(唇形科、豆科、伞形科、菊科)基本一致,且其有效成分已广泛应用于肝系病的防治。防治肝系病的提取物组合原则为“肝心同治,附以治肺”,且常用中药配伍与科别配伍结果基本一致。尝试以高频科的低频中药对高频中药进行替换,进而重新组合进行研究,为进一步开发全新的防治肝系病的中药做准备。
关键词:  肝系病  有效专利  提取物组合  数据挖掘
Regularity of TCM Extract Combination in Preventing and Treating Liver System Diseases - Based on Analysis of Patents in Force
CHENG Jiangxue1, XIAO Shiying1,2, LIU Tonghua1
1.Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100102, China;2.China National Center for Biotechnology Development, The Ministry of Science and Technology, Beijing 100036, China
OBJECTIVE To research the regularity of TCM extract combination of patents in force in preventing and treating liver system diseases, which provide a basis for the expansion of drug resources and reduction of marketplace pressures, and provide a reference for the independent research and development of new Chinese drug. METHODS With patents in force of TCM extract combination which granted before January 1, 2015, in preventing and treating liver system diseases as the study object, the frequency analysis and the cluster analysis were made for studying the core drug use, efficacy, channel tropism of the Chinese herbs, and the combination regularity of the Chinese herbs and their families. RESULTS & CONCLUSION There were 1?072 times of Chinese herbs involved in total, among them, the majority of the high-frequency Chinese herbs(Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge, Astragalus membranaceus Bunge, Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort, Artemisia scoparia Waldst., etc.) were belong to the high-frequency families of Chinese herb(Labiatae, Leguminosae, Umbelliferae, Compositae, etc. ), the prevention and treatment effects in liver system diseases of the most of their active ingredients have been confirmed by modern pharmacological research. “Based on liver and heart, and supplemented by lung” is the combination principle of TCM extract combination, and the common herb couples coincided with the common family couples. The researchers in the field of TCM should be pay more attention to the low-frequency Chinese herbs which belong to the high-frequency families. Through the study of the low-frequency Chinese herbs combine with the high-frequency family couples, new herb-couples may be developed, and a new situation of the modern Chinese medicine R&D can be further promoted.
Key words:  liver system disease  patent in force  extract combination  data mining