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CHEN Ye,YANG Minghua,ZHOU Yancan,BAO Shihui,LIN Junbang.Community Pharmacy Service Survey Report Ⅲ[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2016,33(8):1082-1086.
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陈晔1, 杨明华2, 周严灿1, 鲍仕慧3, 林俊榜4
1.温州市第七人民医院,浙江 温州 325000;2.浙江省中药研究所,杭州 310000;3.温州医科大学附属第二医院,浙江 温州 325000;4.温州市鹿城区蒲鞋市社区卫计服务中心,浙江 温州 325000
目的 调查研究温州地区社区重性精神疾病患者用药常识及药学服务需求,为有效开展该人群的社区药学服务提供科学依据。方法 对温州地区12个县(市、区)社区重性精神疾病患者或家属进行问卷调查,并对调查数据进行统计、分析。结果 92.28%的重性精神疾病患者为高中以下学历;>50%患者在用法用量、服药时间、忘服、漏服、误服及出现不良反应不知如何处理等方面存在用药问题,遇到问题时78.97%的患者选择咨询医师;52.35%的患者存在联合用药,超过半数患者使用非典型抗精神病药;仅39.10%患者用药完全依从;多数患者在服药过程中出现嗜睡、口干、记忆减退、便秘、体质量增加等不良反应。结论 温州地区社区重性精神疾病患者需要社区药学服务,可以通过建立完善的社区药学服务队伍、开展有效的健康宣传教育以及开通多渠道的用药咨询服务来开展药学服务。
关键词:  社区  重性精神疾病患者  药学服务
Community Pharmacy Service Survey Report Ⅲ
CHEN Ye1, YANG Minghua2, ZHOU Yancan1, BAO Shihui3, LIN Junbang4
1.The Seventh People’s Hospital of Wenzhou, Wenzhou 325000, China;2.Zhejiang Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou 310000, China;3.The Second Hospital Affiliated to Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou 325000, China;4.Wenzhou Puxieshi Community Health Care Center, Wenzhou 325000, China
OBJECTIVE To conduct a survey on investigating the common sense of drug usage and the demand of pharmacy service among patients with severe mental illness, provide a much more efficiency community pharmacy care in Wenzhou. METHODS A questionnaire survey was conducted in 12 counties of Wenzhou, and the data were statistically analyzed. RESULTS 92.27% severe mental illness patients had a high school or below educational background. more than half patients had problems in usage and dosage, medication time, misused, didn’t know how to deal with adverse reactions, and so on. 78.97% patients will sought help from doctors when encounter problems. 62.3% patients took combined medication strategy, and more than half take atypical antipsychotics drugs. Less than half patients were in full compliance with medicine taking. Adverse reactions, such as somnolence, dry mouth, hypomnesis, constipation, gain weight and so on, occur in a vast majority patient. CONCLUSION There is a great demand of community pharmacy service for severe mental illness patients in Wenzhou. It can be carried out at three aspects as followed: establish a perfect pharmacy service team, give efficiency publicity and advertising, make service much more convenient and flexibility in multiple channel.
Key words:  community  severe mental illness patients  pharmacy service