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MIAO Rui,WU Haiping,WANG Hong,ZHENG Caihong.Thoughts upon Recording and Sorting-out the Chinese Patent Medicine Contraindications(Gestation & Lactation) in Chinese Pharmacopeia (2015 Edition)[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2016,33(5):618-623.
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缪睿, 邬海萍, 王虹, 郑彩虹
浙江大学医学院附属妇产科医院,杭州 310003
目的 整理分析中国药典2015年版收载的中成药妊娠哺乳期用药,为临床药物咨询工作提供参考依据。方法 统计中国药典2015年版一部所有中成药关于妊娠哺乳期禁忌的描述及其他用药注意事项,并进行分类。结果 妊娠哺乳期用药禁忌所涉及的药物共计487种,包括妊娠期慎用药物192种,忌用药物有112种,禁用药物183种。其中,涉及哺乳期禁忌的用药共14种。此外,还有一些药物涉及妊娠常见并发症及合并症。结论 中成药需依据中医药理论合理使用,任何单一、片面的论断都会增加用药风险。
关键词:  中国药典  中成药  妊娠哺乳期用药
Thoughts upon Recording and Sorting-out the Chinese Patent Medicine Contraindications(Gestation & Lactation) in Chinese Pharmacopeia (2015 Edition)
MIAO Rui, WU Haiping, WANG Hong, ZHENG Caihong
Women’s Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310003, China
OBJECTIVE To sort out the Chinese patent medicinal details of gestation and lactation period, which were included in Chinese Pharmacopeia (2015 Edition). This study provide information for clinical rational drug use. METHODS Statistically analyzed the all Chinese patent medicines of Pharmacopeia in line with contraindications and announcements (gestation & lactation). RESULTS All of 487 species of Chinese patent medicine refer to announcements. In gestation related drugs, 192 species are administrated with caution for pregnant women, 112 species are defined to contraindicationin pregnancy, and 183 species are vividly divided into “Forbidden in pregnancy” domain. Another more, 14 types are related to lactation contraindication. In addition, some drugs are disadvantaged to pregnancy complications. CONCLUSION The use of Chinese patent medicine need to follow traditional theories. Any single, one-sided argument would increase the risk of medication.
Key words:  pharmacopeia  Chinese patent medicine  medication(gestation & lactation)