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LIU Yujia,LOU Siyue,ZHANG Yanqi,CAO Ji,LOU Jianshu,YING Meidan,HE Qiaojun.Study of Hypoxia Induced Autophagy on Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Differentiation[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2016,33(3):284-289.
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刘宇佳1, 楼斯悦1, 章燕棋1,2, 曹戟1, 楼剑书1, 应美丹1, 何俏军1
1.浙江大学药学院药理毒理研究所,浙江省抗肿瘤药物临床前研究重点实验室,杭州 310058;2.杭州市中医院药剂科,杭州 310007
目的 探讨低氧对人间充质干细胞(human mesenchymal stem cells,hMSCs)成骨分化的效应及分子机制。方法 在正常氧压(20% O2)和低氧(5% O2)条件下培养hMSCs;采用成骨分化诱导液(BDM)诱导hMSCs成骨分化;利用茜素红染色法考察细胞钙沉积情况;通过Western blotting检测细胞自噬相关蛋白的表达水平以及MAPK、PI3K-AKT-mTOR信号通路的激活情况。结果 低氧条件下,hMSCs钙沉积较常氧条件增强;BDM诱导hMSCs成骨分化过程伴随着LC3表达增加,抑制细胞自噬可以明显减弱低氧促进的细胞钙沉积;低氧促进的细胞发生钙沉积伴随着MAPK以及PI3K-AKT-mTOR信号通路的失活;抑制MAPK以及PI3K-AKT-mTOR信号通路有利于细胞自噬发生,进而促进hMSCs钙沉积。结论 低氧下可以通过激活细胞自噬来促进hMSCs成骨分化,抑制MAPK以及PI3K-AKT-mTOR信号通路可以进一步促进细胞自噬的发生,从而协同促进hMSCs成骨分化。
关键词:  人间充质干细胞  低氧  自噬  钙沉积  成骨分化
Study of Hypoxia Induced Autophagy on Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Differentiation
LIU Yujia1, LOU Siyue1, ZHANG Yanqi1,2, CAO Ji1, LOU Jianshu1, YING Meidan1, HE Qiaojun1
1.Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zhejiang University, Zhejiang Province Key Laboratory of Anti-cancer Drug Research, Hangzhou 310058, China;2.Department of Pharmacy, Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou 310007, China
OBJECTIVE To explore the effects and molecular mechanisms of hypoxia on hMSCs differentiation. METHODS hMSCs were cultured under normoxic or hypoxic conditions; hMSCs differentiation were obtained by treated with BDM(bone differentiation medium); Calcium deposit was assessed by Alizard Red S dye; The protein levels were analyzed by western blotting. RESULTS Hypoxia can significantly promoted calcium deposit in hMSCs; The expression of LC3 was increased in hMSCs, hypoxia induced calcium deposit was inhibited by autophagy inhibitor 3MA; Hypoxia induced hMSCs calcium deposit was accompanied by inactivation of MAPK and PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathway, inhibition of these pathway could mediate hMSCs calcium deposit by promoted autophagy. CONCLUSION Hypoxia can significantly triger hMSCs differentiation by induced autophagy, inhibition of MAPK and PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathway could contribute to autophagy which could mediate hMSCs differentiation.
Key words:  human mesenchymal stem cells  hypoxia  autophagy  calcium deposit  osteoblastic differentiation